Page 54 - Book 3 - (barcoded)
P. 54

The Wylder Valley
the bakery courtyard garden where Charlie was sawing a length of wood.
'We've had a letter, Charlie,' revealed Lottie, waving the mail at him. 'Tilly's coming soon, I hear?'
Charlie was dumbfounded and sat down on the garden bench.
'Sorry, Lott. I didn't think she was serious about coming. Mum always goes to my brother whenever she fancies a holiday. This year he's building an extension and the burrow is a wreck. They've been staying with the in-laws.'
'We can't afford to build an extension, can we, Charlie? We have nowhere for her to sleep unless Chloe shares a bed with Isla for a few weeks. Your mother is welcome to come, but she can stay at the Pheasant Hotel, across the meadow. It's worth considering.'
Charlie's mother made a hobby of visiting family and friends but failed to respect their hospitality. He decided to go and see her before she filled her suitcase. Charlie set off towards Barns Farm.
Cyril Rat caught up with him along the lane. It wasn't long before the problem of his mother came up in conversation. Cyril expressed his concern and understood.
'Rowley Weasel wants company. Before you go, why don't we pay him a visit? Then you can tell your mum about Mill Cottage,' said Cyril. 'He has two spare rooms and I'll guarantee he'd welcome your mother with open arms. By the way, can she cook?'
The weasel welcomed his two guests. 'Come in,' he called. 'What a lovely surprise. Coffee and cake everyone?'

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