Page 70 - Book 3 - (barcoded)
P. 70

The Wylder Valley
'It doesn't matter who is there provided they are kept well away from our vehicle,' he said.
Saturday morning arrived. The police set up a large cordon of blue tape in the meadow from either side of the Weston cottage to the river. Parents organised a celebratory tea in the village hall for the children.
At school, they had painted pictures of the badger's release and this evening, the vet, Mr Sturgess would choose five paintings to hang in the Rescue Centre's reception area.
News of the release spread through Wyldersham, and Mike Kenlock insisted on a larger police presence. The Rescue Centre vehicle was expected to reach Kemps Heath village at seven o'clock.
In the rescue centre, Badger had enjoyed a comfortable day's rest. When he woke up, he sensed something wasn't quite right. Today, his bedding hadn't been changed and the children's cards had been removed, but Badger was still looking forward to his food. His wire gate opened, later than usual, and a dish was placed inside with a bowl of water. He ate the food, and felt drowsy.
'Has he gone?' a voice asked.
'Yes, we can put him on the trolley. My goodness, he's put on some weight,' declared the keeper as they lifted Badger. 'The sedative will last until we reach Kemps Heath.'
They took him to the surgery where Mr Sturgess examined his leg, and gave him a thorough check before

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