Page 72 - Book 3 - (barcoded)
P. 72

The Wylder Valley
Sam found Charlie standing alone in the garden. 'Are you coming, Charlie? Badger will want to hear about Lottie from you. It's a bitter-sweet moment, my friend, but we'll be with you, every step of the way,' smiled Sam.
The entrance to Barns Wood was crowded. Groups of squirrels sat in the tree tops as fairies darted from branch to branch. Rabbits, hedgehogs, pheasants and foxes sat quietly, anticipating Badger's arrival.
A few metres from the Weston cottage, people gathered in the lane. Emma, Jacob and Lily stood at the front door waiting for their parents, and waved to school friends. The family walked into the meadow with torches to wait for Badger.
In a short time, the cordon was surrounded by people and Mike Kenlock advised his colleagues to spread out and ensure everyone remained behind the tape. A local newspaper reporter walked over to speak to the family.
'Emma, will you do this again if you discover another injured animal?'
'Yes,' she replied. 'We know who to contact if it's an emergency. Our school has started a new project, Animal Quest. My friends and other children will write in our journals wherever we see different woodland animals. Then we tell our teachers. This way, the Wildlife Trust can record what we see.'
A sudden click of cameras and talking interrupted the interview. The vehicle had arrived, with Badger on board.

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