Page 71 - Book 3 - (barcoded)
P. 71

The Wylder Valley 69
taking one last x-ray. Badger was put inside a wire cage and taken to a vehicle. He was going home.
Simon Blackbird told Charlie Rabbit Casey Pigeon's news. He'd arrived at the Rescue Centre in time to see Badger taken from his pen into a building, and then come out again in a cage. Casey flew down to watch the cage disappear into the back of a van. The pigeon followed the van to the eastern motorway and realised where it was going. Casey flew on to his first contact and the relay began. Yappy and Simon knew about it long before the van reached the valley.
Charlie's daughters left with Mr and Mrs Squirrel and their family to watch Badger's homecoming. They were joined by Betsy Hedgehog, Matty and Archie. Together they made their way through the meadow to the wooden bridge before people arrived.

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