Page 146 - The Bugle 2018
P. 146

                                      2Lt Libby O’Brien briefs senior cadets prior to a Fieldcraft Exercise
 Cheltenham College CCF
Yet another busy year for Cheltenham College CCF during which we have delivered challenging, fun and safe training to all sections so helping to develop the leadership skills and capability of our cadets. One highlight was our biennial CCF Inspection, conducted by Rear Admiral Robert Tarrant, an Old Cheltonian. There the capabilities and training of the cadets were demonstrated as well as our adminis- tration and support behind the scenes.
During the year we have had several arrivals and departures. We said goodbye to Major Ben Rees, outgoing Contingent Commander and hello to Major
Tony Ayres, his replacement. Tony is also the Rifles County Colonel for Gloucestershire and a member of the Board of the Soldiers of Glouces- tershire Museum, where he hopes to build a strong link with College. Major
Ayres and W02 Jason Gwynne, the School Staff Instructor, would like to personally thank the Staff and Cadet Leadership Team for the great work they have all done in developing College CCF and engendering the Values and Standards of the military to the younger cadets. Our Sword of Honour parade took place in April and Brigadier David Southall OBE, late RE, supported by Lt Col Pat Brown RE, (both parents), presented the CCF Prizes at a splendid parade on a crisp April
afternoon. The traditional annual CCF Dinner Night followed at which the Upper Sixth are dined out and the Lower Sixth wait on table and ‘learn the ropes’
This year the Army Section (RIFLES) has had over ninety recruits in the fourth form. This is an above average intake and has stretched the Section. Despite this the adults and the Cadet Leadership Team have delivered a great cadet experience. This included: a tactical exercise overnight at Caerwent Training Area for the first term; a visit to Salisbury Plain and the Royal Tank Regiment with Challenger II tanks for the seniors; and, a military skills day at college for the recruits. The seniors also had a briefing from Lt Josh Baldwin, an Old Cheltonian, who recently left Cheltenham College and was commissioned in to The Rifles. He is now serving with 1 RIFLES. He opened eyes to opportunities within the Army.
Next year we move to ‘optional’ CCF and have been pleased to find our presentations to the third form has encouraged our target number of recruits. We now look forward to delivering the interesting and challenging programme that lies ahead.
   Cadet WO Bella Johnson accompanies Brig Southall and Major Ayres on their inspection of the Army Section
   Cadet RSM Paddy Christopher asks the Inspection Officer for permission to carry on

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