Page 233 - The Bugle 2018
P. 233
Doncaster Branch
Steve Tagg writes: The Doncaster branch of the RIFLES/LI/KOYLI Regimental Association has recently re-formed having been “dormant” for two years. We would like to express our appreciation to 8 RIFLES who have generously given us a place to hold our meetings. We have recently held our first meeting in our new home at the Army Reserve Centre on Danum Road in Doncaster. We are pleased to report that it was well supported and attended. We are always on the look-out for, and keen to welcome new members. As a newly re-formed branch we are always open to new ideas to make the branch more attractive and vibrant and we are expecting Riflemen and Light Infantrymen joining the branch shortly, so we are off to a good start. We meet on the 1st Tuesday of every month at 19.45 hrs followed by a social and refreshments will be provided. Wives/girlfriends and members new and old are most welcome to join us. For further information please contact the Branch Secretary Steve Tagg on
In closing we make an appeal to all Riflemen and Light Infantrymen, all branches of the Regimental Association need your support. Come along and support your association – We Need You.Contact the Rifles Regional Office North and Midlands for further information.
Light Div Buglers’ Association
With the end of the Remembrance services, The Buglers’ Association of The Light Division and The Rifles have had a very full and active few days supporting the Regiment at many events ranging from Last Post at Bath Rugby Club to the RGJ and LI Memorials at the National Memorial Arboretum to several county events, the Ballygawley Memorial in Northern Ireland and at the Field of Remembrance at Westminster Abbey. Another highlight was the presentation to the Chairman, Alan Tamblyn, of the Colonel Commandant’s Certificate at the Rifles Awards Ceremony in the presence of HRH Prince Harry and General Sir Nick Carter in the Guildhall, London on 8th November 2017. Veteran Buglers also sounded fanfares and calls alongside RIFLES’ Buglers at that occasion.
To ensure the highest standard of bugling at these events, the Buglers’ Association of The Light Division and The Rifles held their biennial bugling weekend, organised by Alan Tamblyn, our Chairman, at Edward Brooks Barracks, Abingdon on 28/29 October 2017. The highlight of the weekend was the annual Presi- dent’s Bugle Competition. 14 excellent Association members entered this demanding competition in which they had to play three bugle calls to become the President’s Bugler. The wet parade ground of yesteryear was replaced by the warm band practice room of the Waterloo Band. In true Strictly Come Dancing style, ‘the judges’ comprised Senior Bugle Major Simon Topps RIFLES, Bugle Major (Retired) John Henry Plumridge (and our musical director) and Colonel (Retired) Rex Stephenson, President of the Association. The prize for the President’s Bugler is the stunning silver bugle of the Commanding Officer of the Wiltshire Regiment generously loaned
Booker, Pte David Arnold – 23627215 late KOYLI passed away on 31 Jul 17 following a short illness. David was a KOYLI National Serviceman and he trained in Pontefract before being transferred to Hilden, Germany where he oversaw the HQ Arms Cote. After his time in service he lived in Norton near Doncaster. His funeral was held at Pontefract Crematorium on 17 August 2017. He predeceases wife Pat, daughter Debbie and his grandchildren.
to us by the Wiltshire Trustees, for which we are very grateful, and which highlights the importance of our former regiments of The Rifles.
The standard was particularly high, and the worthy winner was Scott Barrs late RGJ & RIFLES with 159.5 points; second was Anthony Bishop late RGJ with 156 points and third was Sammy Goose, late LI with 155 points. This competition, has taken place every year throughout our regimental history, helps maintain the high standard of our bugling within the Association and provides keen competition and pride amongst our members. We look forward to supporting the Regiment in the year ahead and thank you for your continued support, especially the RGBW Trustees and Colonel Tim Lerwill for the President’s Bugle.
Calton, Cyril Legion d’Honneur – (see opposite page) It is our sad duty to report that Cyril Calton late KOYLI passed away after a strong fight against cancer on 18 August 2018. Cyril was only recently awarded the Legion d’Honneur, being the highest award for excellent military conduct from the French Government and took place at Sheffield Town Hall, to which Senior officers and members of the KOYLI Association were present.
Abbott, Melvin (Tiny) passed late 2LI passed away on 27 Feb 18
Bearr, Donald
– Late KOYL Donald passed away on 5 Jan 2018
Canning, Douglas late KOYLI passed away on 19 February 18
Parks, William (Bill) – Late KOYLI passed away on 22 June 18
Welbourn, John late KOYLI passed away on 21 May 18
Grainger, William (Bill) late KOYLI
and former Bandmaster passed away on 3 June 18