Page 232 - The Bugle 2018
P. 232
Leeds Branch
Alan Whitehead writes: The Leeds Branch has had a very busy time during the past six months, and our membership continues to be strong, with 55 Members as at the 1st of July. We continue to have loyal members attending from across the country. A special mention for Eddie Diamond who attends regularly and lives in Kent and to George Stephenson, who lives in Andover and has never missed a function since the Branch was resurrected eight years ago.
Our Committee has undergone some significant changes since our Annual General Meeting in April. Our long-suffering Secretary, Phil Johnson X Pro Sjt 2LI, elected to retire and has handed over his duties to our Treasurer, Alan Whitehead X Sigs Pl 2LI. Phil
was one of the founding members of the Branch when it was resurrected some eight years ago, and he has carried out the duties of Secretary for the past six years. Indeed, it was Phil that pestered the life out of the Adjutant of Leeds OTC, Major David Jarratt, to hold a Light Infantry Reunion in Carlton Barracks. It was at this reunion, attended by over 140, that the decision to resurrect the Leeds Branch was made. Throughout his tenure of Secretary, Phil was the mainstay of the Branch, making a deter- mined effort to increase membership, running some outstanding functions which were attended by over a hundred members and guests, and generally promoting the Leeds Branch with flair, doing all this whilst running his catering business. A massive thank you from the Branch for all that he has done and the time he has given.
The Leeds Branch were very fortunate that Alan Whitehead stepped up from Treasurer and volun- teered to take over as Secretary, and one of our loyal members, Steve Greenfield stepped forward to take over the duties of Treasurer from Alan. Steve very quickly found out that the Leeds Branch is exceptionally busy, and, as a consequence the account takes up a large amount of the Treasurers time. Steve was very quick to learn the rudiments of double-entry accounting and is doing a sterling job.
The Leeds Branch Committee are never shy in coming forward, and late last year they volunteered to run the administration for the 2LI Reunion on the 50th Anniversary of the formation of the Regiment. The 2LI Reunion was hosted by E Coy 8 Rifles in Shrewsbury. The PSAO Capt Vaz Vasquez and the QPSI, CSjt Decca Winter was most accommo- dating and did all the donkey work. Our Treasurer was exceptionally busy running the account, taking in contributions and keeping a grip of the names attending. Over 340 2LI Veterans and wives attended the reunion, and it must be said that it was a tremendous success, made possible by a generous grant from the Trustees of the KOYLI.
Our Vice President and Entertainments Member Adrian Waites has yet again stepped forward to carry our Branch Standard at various events this year and was also good enough to give up two of his weekends to run a Standard Bearers Course in Pontefract. Adrian is also Standard Bearer for his RBL Branch in Otley.
The Leeds Branch has always had several members amongst their ranks who are keen motor- cyclists. These guys attend a rally called Ride to the Wall every October at the National Memorial Arboretum, meeting other like-minded veterans from the Light Infantry and Rifles, as well as veterans from other Regiments and thousands of civilians. Each year the bikers raise money for the upkeep of the Arboretum, and this year the sum raised was a magnificent £150,000. A massive well done to all our motorcyclist for their dedication to this cause.
In summary, the future of the Leeds Branch continues to be good and very busy.They are running the Annual Salamanca / Minden Day Regimental Dinner in Morley at the Village Hotel on behalf of the Association on Salamanca Day. This promises to be a memorable event, with our old 2LI CO Jim Parker attending from South Africa. Our autumn function to be held on the 24th of November is likely to break all records for attendance, and all are welcome.
Sheffield Branch
George Hodgson writes: The Sheffield branch has attended various events in the preceding year including the Armed Forces Day Parade held in Sheffield in 23 June. Veterans much enjoyed the refreshments provided by Sheffield Council at the Town Hall after the parade. George also remarked that “the branch is very much looking forward to the forthcoming unveiling of the King’s Own Yorkshire Light Infantry Memorial Statue in Doncaster due on Minden Day 1 August in Doncaster.”
The 30th Malayan Veterans’ Reunion had been held at the Coronation Club in Doncaster last April 7, 2018 and was a very successful event. Sadly, “I am sorry to report this will be the last event that I, myself will be organising after having been the organiser of this event for the last 5 years. Future reunions are looking uncertain, however, due to Steve Tagg and his wife Elaine who have ‘stepped into the breach’ and volunteered their services to taking over the organisation of this event, it is set to continue at the same location as before.” Thank you, Steve and Elaine.
Myself and other Sheffield Branch members were present at the presentation of the Legion d’Honneur at Sheffield Town Council to Cyril Calton aged 93, a former member of 1/4th KOYLI and a Sheffield hero.
Association Standard Bearers paraded the Sheffield, Doncaster and Pontefract KOYLI Standards providing a fitting backdrop to the presentation in Sheffield Town Hall. In attendance were the Rifles Colonel (South Yorkshire) and Chairman of the Regimental Association Trustees Lt Col (Retd) Graham Whitmore along with Vice Chairman Maj (Retd) Derek Searby, CBE.
On a more sombre note, George reported the sad passing of another branch member Mr Gordon Hill who had been a one-time Standard Bearer for the Sheffield Branch for 15 years. Gordon passed away on 22 June 18, leaving only a handful of members and are seeking new members to join their branch. Anyone in the Sheffield area who is considering joining The Rifles/Light Infantry/KOYLI Regimental Association and are looking for a local branch would be made most welcome, please contact the Branch Secretary on 0114
2337484 for further details.
Addendum: since going to press we are deeply sad to report that Cyril sadly passed away on 18 August after a valiant fight against cancer). RIP.
Cede Nullis.