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A note on data collection
The Neighbourhood Effect and SEE-Change are both committed to helping Canberrans like you reduce
your emissions and your ecological footprint, while also helping you strengthen your connections to your
community and improve your health, wealth and well-being. By sending us your energy, transport and water
usage data, and by occasionally filling out 2-minute online surveys on your progress in certain areas and on
your experience with the Transition Streets program, you can help us improve the program and work out
what aspects are working really well and what we need to change. All data collected is used exclusively for
two purposes: 1) making this program as effective and easy to use as possible 2) calculating your individual
emission reductions and aggregating everyone’s estimated emissions reductions, so we can let you know
about the quantified, beneficial environmental impact of the program and how your impact really makes a
positive difference.
Participating in the Transition Streets Randomised Controlled Trial
As part of the 2017 launch of this digital workbook, The Neighbourhood Effect is conducting a controlled
trial of the Transition Streets program to test its effectiveness. When you register for the Transition Streets
program online, you’ll be asked if you’re interested in participating in the trial. The trial will look at changes
in participants’ energy consumption and ecological footprints before, during and after the Transition Streets
program and compare the results. Participating in the trial is opt-in, so there’s no obligation to be a part of it,
and you can still do the Transition Streets program and not be part of the trial. To read about the trial in full,
check out the description on The Neighbourhood Effect’s website here.
The behavioural science underpinning this workbook
This workbook, and the activities inside it, have been designed using behavioural science to make it easier
to change your behaviours and consumption habits and measure your results. Behavioural science helps
to restructure the decision-making environment, by framing information to remove psychological barriers
that usually make it harder for people to change their habits or adopt new ones. If you’re interested in the
methodology behind the Transition Streets workbook, you can read about it in detail here.
We take your privacy and data security seriously, and we won’t be sharing the data you give to us in this
program with anyone else, except in an anonymised format to conduct an impact evaluation of the program,
and in this instance, we require your written consent to do so.
If you’d like to read through our data and privacy policy in full - you can access it on The Neighbourhood
Effect’s Website here. It provides full information on the data collection process, and more details on how we
ensure your information is kept private and secure.
We hope you enjoy this journey. We are always looking for suggestions on how we can improve this workbook,
so if you have any, please email: