P. 11
Welcome to your first ever Transition Streets workshop! Congrats on getting organised and starting your
To kick off Session 1, we suggest you just work through the activities below in order. Each activity has a
rough time listed next to it, to indicate roughly how long to spend on each activity. And remember to have
For Friends
You already know each other, so head straight to Activity 1!
For Neighbours
Step 1 (5 minutes)
• Introduce yourselves!
• • Go ar
Go around the room – each person should try to quickly answer the following questions, and any others ound the room – each person should try to quickly answer the following questions, and any others
you’d like to add:ou’d like to add:
Who’s in your household
Where do you live?
Have you or your house explored sustainability issues before?
What was the main reason you decided you’d have a go at
participating in the Transition Streets program?
What are you most hoping to get out of it?
Step 2 (5 minutes)
Set your group schedule for discussion sessions — how often, where, and when would you like to meet? Once
a fortnight? One a month? Will you meet at the same place? Or take turns hosting? Will there be snacks (let’s
hope so!)? Who’ll bring them? Will you pick a person to facilitate or be the leader for each session, or just
work through it as a group?
For All Groups
Make sure you share your contact details with each other, too – and you must register online for the program
if you haven’t already. Register yourself here.
Activity 1:
Quick Incoming Survey-Values, Priorities, Commitments (10 mins)
Firstly – fill out the survey by clicking on the link below to work out what matters most to you and what
you’d most like to achieve by participating in the Transition Streets Program. This is an important first step, as
behavioural science research shows that writing out our commitments and motivations at the outset, makes
it more likely we’ll achieve our goals.
For each person, complete the survey questions in the link on your own (this should take about 5 minutes),
and then, if you’re comfortable, discuss your answers together for a few minutes as a group! Take me to the
Once you’ve each finished your survey, spend 10 minutes going around in a circle and having a quick chat
about what you put down in your survey.