P. 13
Activity 4:
Getting comfy with this workbook (10 mins)
When organising your meetings as a group, it’s also worth considering planning a fun activity to do before
or after you go through each workbook chapter. This is a great idea for neighbourhood groups in particular.
There’s a full list of potential activities you could do to complement each workshop, like watching a short
movie on food production or having a party, to make each meeting enjoyable, rewarding, relaxed and not too
cerebral. See the full list here.
Have a quick flick through the rest of this workbook and start to get familiar with the sections. Each section
has a similar structure, starting with the facts and understanding what you are doing, followed by actions and
a link to further resources.
Each action is accompanied by a key that shows you whether it’s right for your type of household, the level
of effort required, how cheap it is, and what the likely environmental savings will be.
Here’s the legend that’s used throughout the workbook. Does it make sense to you? It should help you sort
through suggested actions quickly, based on their estimated cost, relative impact, level of difficulty, extent
of repetition required and your dwelling type (for example, whether you rent or own, and what type of home
you live in). For ease of reference, you can find this legend at the end of every chapter of this workbook.
Difficulty Easy Medium Hard
All household House only House with Apartment
types (HHH) (H) garden only (A)
Renter (R) Home owner (HO) On campus
or public (SH)
/ / / / /
5 5 5 5 5
Saving Free Low Medium High
Repetition One-time Ongoing