P. 17

Today’s session is on reducing waste and the role we can play as ethical consumers.
            If you haven’t had a chance to yet, take a few minutes to individually read through this module (and why not
            have a snack or a drink while you do it).

            The connection between shopping and waste

            Although the ACT has the highest amount of household waste per capita, ACT residents have one of the
            highest recycling rates in Australia.8  About 70% of our region’s waste is either reused and recycled according
            to the ACT government. This is a very encouraging statistic! For the other 30% of waste in the ACT, this is
            generally what happens:

            All garbage in your        ...Is picked up and driven by a         ...where it is compressed and
               wheelie bin...          truck to Mugga Lane landfill...                   buried...

                                                                                  CH =
                                                                                  25 x CO2

              ...and then degrades... produce methane, toxins     Methane is 25x more potent
                                                and hydrocarbons...              than carbon dioxide.

                   ACT 2025                            1.1mn                           310,000
                   resource                           tonnes                            tonnes
                   recovery                         (amount of waste
                     target                           made by ACT                      (amount of ACT
                                                                                       waste added to
                   = 100%                             residents per                    landfill per year).

            If you enjoy the retail therapy of shopping for new purchases, then based on an Australia Institute analysis
            of Roy Morgan research polling, it’s likely you’re creating unnecessary waste in the form of lots of plastic
            packaging and non-essential consumer products that haven’t been fully utilised before they’re chucked out
            (or perhaps they stay tucked up in the attic for years, cluttering up your space).  Luckily, there are lots of easy
            ways we can curb our waste and shopping habits, and there are a bunch of health and wellbeing benefits
            when we do.

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