P. 19

Using your consumer power for good: Our waste-not want-not game plan

            Step 1 Calculating your waste (15 minutes)

            How much do you shop? Do you ‘reduce, reuse, recycle’?

            Unlike energy and water, where our meters and billing can tell us exactly how much of each we’re using at
            home, it’s a little harder to get a clear overview of our shopping habits, or to keep track of the amount of
            waste we’re creating from all the stuff we’re consuming. To get a rough indication of both, complete the
            online survey below (one at a time or simultaneously on your phones or laptops). The whole survey should
            take you less than 6 minutes each.

            To get a sense of how much single-use stuff ends up as waste in your household in a typical week, think back
            on the last week and quickly complete page 1 of the Transition Streets Waste Survey here.

            TIP  If you can’t remember something, just provide your best guess. And if you feel like the last week isn’t a
            good indication of how you usually behave, then think about a recent week that does represent your usual
            behaviour when you complete the checklist.

            Take it in turns to complete the survey, it if you only have one online device. You can also access it on your
            phone at:
            Once you’ve completed the survey, take note of your individual results. Looking at your results, add up the
            number of single use items provided in your survey results for Page 1. What total number did you get? This
            figure is your number of items that went to landfill in that week. Also have a quick go at adding up all the
            money you spent on shopping in the past month.

            Discussion time
            Are you happy with the amount of stuff you are each buying? A good indicator of this is whether you feel
            that your house, bedroom, kitchen or wardrobe is cluttered with stuff. (Find out more about the benefits of
            decluttering and the connection between your stuff and your wellbeing here).

            Waste 101
            Recycling is important, but it’s even more important that we try to use less ‘stuff’ in the first place. The options
            for dealing with waste in order of preference are:

               1   Avoid — do you really need it? Don’t be fooled by ads into thinking that consuming will make you
                   happier! The more stuff we have, the more stressed we become.
               2   Reduce — do you need as much of it?

               3   Reuse — can it be fixed and/or used by others?

               4   In the bin (that means landfill and incineration) — the last resort.

            Step 2 Decide the actions you’ll take (15 mins)
            Each of the actions below will help you reduce the amount you consume and waste. There are some super
            easy things you can do to cut waste and consumption in your house, and it doesn’t have to involve wearing
            your undies until they fall apart!  Each of the actions below can significantly reduce the amount of waste that
            your household produces, in many instances they’ll also make you feel better and help you save money. Note
            that you may do some of these activities already – if so, good on you!

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