P. 20
Tier 1: Easy-peasy lemon squeezy (Beginner level)
If you don’t already, recycle!
In the ACT, you can put the following items into your yellow-lid recycling bin:
• Rigid plastic containers, such as ice cream containers, biscuit trays, toothpaste tubes, greasy margarine
containers, chemical bottles, take away food containers, plastic deodorant bottles, hair gel container and
shampoo bottles (please remove lids).
• Paper and cardboard products, including greasy pizza boxes, chocolate boxes and toy boxes (even
with plastic windows), newspapers, paper packaging and cards, junk mail, envelopes, telephone books,
magazines and soiled paper towels.
• glass bottles and jars, including beer bottles, chemical and poison bottles, makeup and nail polish bottles,
wine bottles, vegemite and jam jars, pasta sauce bottles and jars.
• steel cans, aluminium cans, empty aerosols, aluminium foil including pie trays, Easter egg foil, pet food
cans, deodorant cans and sardine cans.
• cartons, such as milk, wine and beer cartons.17
If you keep forgetting to put out your recycling bin, this app (for smartphones only) will send you sms
reminders before your bin collection date for your suburb.
Buy a keep-cup! And use it!
• Takeaway coffee cups have a plastic lining that is not biodegradable. This means they either go to landfill
or end up as a hazard in the environment. In Australia our coffee cup waste is about an extra 60,000 kg
a year.
• Say you buy a takeaway coffee 5 times a week, then replacing your takeaway cups with a ceramic or
silicon keep-cup will stop 260 coffee cups going into landfill every year. That’s just from you using a keep-
cup. Pretty neat right?
• If you forget your keep cup, instead of getting a takeaway coffee, just order your coffee to ‘have here’ –
it’ll take about 5 extra minutes from your day and in that time it forces you to sit down, pause, and take a
moment to breathe and relax.
• You can order Australian-made keep-cups online here for $24, or from Oxfam for $16 here; You can also
buy one from any of these three shops in Canberra: ANU Co-Op Food Shop on Kingsley Street; or David
Jones or Myer in the Canberra Centre.
Purchase and use a reusable
water bottle
• If you buy bottled water, even just once a week or once a month, then you’re contributing to the massive
problem of water bottle plastic ending up in landfill.