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P. 152
Date Series Topic Speaker
November 18,2020 Launching of the Program: Ms. Eloise Amor
Introduction on importance of Mental Culimay
Health and the University advocacy.
Series number 1: WHAT’S NEW?
November 25,2020 A whole new WORLD: A talk on Ms. Eloise Amor
coping with change. Culimay
December 2,2020 A whole new YOU: A talk on Mrs. Rachel
empowering the “self” in times of Baguilat
December 9,2020 A whole new MINDSET: A talk on Ms. Queeny Joy
hopefulness, gratitude and Espaldon
Series number 2: #feelingBLESSED: The Greatest GIFT I received.
December 16 ,2020 Gift of FAMILY: A talk on family life Mrs. Revie Joy
and its significance in a person’s life. Miguel
December 23,2020 Gift of FRIENDS: A talk on Ms. April
relationships and becoming a good Pazziwagan
January 6 ,2020 Gift of LIFE: A talk on loving life and Invited guest
appreciating every season it brings.
Series number 3: #goals: Doing your BEST in your BEST situation
January 13,2021 #careerGOALS: A talk on career Ms. Anne Marie
decision making and work motivation. Pahiwon
January 20,2021 #relationshipGOALS: A talk on Mrs. Revie Joy
communication skills and Miguel
January 27,2021 #selfGOALS: A talk on self- Invited guest
empowerment and creating and
setting new and realistic dreams.
Series number 4: LOVE THYSELF: Tips on Self care
February 3,2021 Love thy Mind: A talk on positive Ms. Queeny Joy
realistic thinking and positive Espaldon
February 10,2020 Love thy Body: A talk on physical Mrs. Rachel
wellness and Reproductive health Baguilat
February 17,2020 Love thy Soul: A talk on spirituality Invited guest
as a source of strength and
February 24,2020 Program end and summary