Page 153 - PARAMETER D
P. 153
Keuin Klaus Ojhomn a Lastro is feeling blessed with
G Angelica Cuison and 7 others.
hAT) IS e00D /rLL rHE rllYrl
The Carnpus l"linistrV onLe aEain done its role in the seruice of the
Lordl Thank you students who attended our f irst service for this
dcademic Aear and also to Ptr, i-{ornel Tagawa for the message.
We invite all Lhris*idns *rom the clifferent sectors and dpnQination to
attencl sverg 5:00 prn onwc^rds for our servicc.
God bfess us al{f
Lome Ane, Lome All
# Campgll in istrglnAction
, :.1