P. 7 Settle your Student Insurance payment; and Present ID card to University Registrar for
5.9. Academic Retention
5.9.1. Conditional. Any student who at the end of a semester, obtained final grades below 75%
or its equivalent, in 26-49% of the number of academic units in which he is enrolled
shall be warned by the College Dean to improve his work. He shall be allowed to enroll
15-18 units only in the succeeding semester;
5.9.2. Warning. Any student who at the end of a semester obtained final grades below “75%”
or its equivalent in 50-74% of the total number of academic units in which he is enrolled
shall be advised to shift to other courses;
5.9.3. Extreme. Any student who at the end of a semester obtained final grades below “75%”
or its equivalent in 75% or more of the total number of academic units in which he is
enrolled shall be referred to the guidance and counseling center;
5.9.4. A student who at the end of the semester obtains final grades below “75” or its equivalent
in 100% of the total number of academic units in which he is enrolled maybe readmitted
unless recommended by the DSSD and approved by the Campus Director/Vice President
for Academic
5.10. Classification of Students
5.10.1. Students shall be classified as either regular or irregular based on the following curricular
requirements: A regular student carries the full load in a given semester in the curriculum in which he
is registered. In determining his status, credits which the student earned in some
required subject will be added to those he is actually taking; An irregular student carries less than the full load called for in a given semester in the
curriculum in which he is registered;
5.10.2. Students may be classified as to curriculum year as follows: Freshman. A student who has not finished the prescribed subjects of his first year or
has completed 25% of the total number of units required in his/her course. Sophomore. A student who has completed his/her first year course or has finished
26% but not more than the 50% of the total number of credits required in his/her
course. Junior. A student who has completed the first two (2) years of his/her course, or has
finished 50% but not more than 75% of the total number of units required in his/her course. Senior. A student who has completed the first three (3) years of his/her curriculum
or has finished 75% but not more than 85% of the total number of units required in
his/her course.
5.11. Academic Load
5.11.1. One college unit is defined as one-hour lecture, discussion, seminar, recitation or any
combination of these forms, in a week. Laboratory or technical subjects or fieldwork
shall be credited based on BOR approved curriculum;
5.11.2. The total number of units in a regular semester for which a student may register shall be
in accordance with the curricular programs the student is enrolled in;