Page 9 - 091math-wb-w1-(Vector)
P. 9


                  Multiplication of a Vector by a Scalar:

                  Multiplying a vector u by a real number (scalar) k can affect the length or the direction of the
                  vector depending on the value of scalar.

                  When any vector u  is multiplied with any kR the vector obtained;

                      a)  is in the same direction, with a lesser magnitude if 0 < k < 1
                      b)  is in the same direction, with a greater magnitude if k > 1
                      c)  is in the opposite direction, with a lesser magnitude if -1 < k < 0
                      d)  is in the opposite direction, with a greater magnitude if k < -1

                      e)  is  0 if k = 0
                      f)  is the same vector if k = 1
                      g)  is in the opposite direction, with the same magnitude if k = -1

                                      
                  For the vectors   u  and  v  on the same plane and the real numbers k, t;

                  k.(u v) ku kv    
                  (k t).u k.u t.u    

                  k.(t.u) t.(k.u) (k.t).u  

                                                                                      
                  Example 5: According to the given vectors in the figure, sketch u   v2  and  v   u2 .



                  Negative (Opposite) Vector: Negative vectors are the vectors which have the same magnitude
                  but opposite directions. If opposite vector of  u  is denoted by -u and opposite vector of  AB  is
                  denoted by AB  or  BA .

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