Page 8 - 091math-wb-w3-(sets)
P. 8


               EMPTY SET (NULL SET):
               ……………………………………………………………..... if A =    then n(A) = ……

                                                                                         A={} is not an
               Examples for empty set:                                                   empty set. A is a set

                 A    xx  is  an  int eger ,  such  that  x   30                     with one element
                                                                                         which is 
               B   xx  is a  triangle whose  two  int erior  angles measure  90   

               I- Read the following expression. What do you think?

               Table shows a one-to-one correspondence between counting numbers and integers. In this case,
               mathematicians say that these two sets have the same cardinality. We think that these two sets
               must be the same size. However, the fact is that all counting numbers are also integers.

                                               Counting Numbers            Integers

                                                      1                        0

                                                      2                        1

                                                      3                       -1

                                                      4                        2

                                                      5                       -2

                                                      …                       …

                                           Table: One to one correspondence between
                                           counting numbers and integers.

                                                        8                                  091math-wb-w3-(sets)
   3   4   5   6   7   8   9   10   11   12   13