Page 18 - DIVA_1_2008_No.32
P. 18

Interview with Her Excellency

                                             Christina Rocca,

                      Ambassadorof the United States at the

                                Conference on Disarmament

               Q: Mrs. Ambassador                                                          As for how I got here,
               what is your back-                                                          when I was young I
               ground?                                                                     simply pursued the
                                                                                           academic and professio-
               Throughout my career I                                                      nal interests that were
               have been very fortunate                                                    challenging and interes-
               to have had both very                                                       ting to me. My family and
               challenging and interes-                                                    friends have always been
               ting jobs. I am especially                                                  supportive, and the career
               privileged now to repre-                                                    paths
               sent the United States at                                                   chosen always presented
               the Conference on                                                           challenges and opportuni-
               Disarmament.                                                                ties. I do not think any
                                                                                           career choice can or
               President Bush nomina-                                                      should be defined by gen-
               ted me for this post in                                                     der.
               May 2006 and the Senate
               confirmed me on August                                                      Q: Your country, the
               3. I immediately came to                                                    United States, has
               Geneva with the clear                                                       one Ambassador to
               goal of encouraging the                                                     this Conference and
               conference 	                                                                this really gives an
               Disarmament to get back                                                     indication of how
               to work and of using the                                                    important the issue is
               influence of the United                                                     for your country.
               States to make the world a   South Asia, Central Asia,   ted in this field and find it   What are the main
               safer place. This has been   the Caucasus, and the   challenging and rewarding.   concerns for US in this
               challenging, but my     Middle East. From 1982 to   Arms control, international   field?
               inherent optimism and   1997 I worked at the Central   security and disarmament
               conviction that the United   Intelligence Agency; that   bear directly on the safety   You are absolutely correct.
               States has been and     was also a fascinating job   and lives of everyone in this   President Bush has always
               continues to be a leader in   and I am proud to say I wor-  world, and if I can be a part   made international security
               the fight for peace and secu-  ked with some of the best   of that, if I can represent my   one of his top priorities, and
               rity have made my job   people around.           country while making this   arms control and non-
               easier.                                          world a safer and better   proliferation are fundamen-
                                       I am a native of Washington,   place, then I am proud to do   tal to that effort. I feel privi-
               Before coming to Geneva, I   D.C., and earned my B.A.   that.             leged to represent that
                                       degree in History from
               served 		                                                                 United States at the world's
               Secretary of State for South   Kings College, London. As   I wouldn't characterize this   single forum that negotiates
               Asian Affairs from 2001 to   for my family, I am married   field as either masculine or   multilateral arms controls
               2006, an especially challen-  with two children at univer-  feminine. I know many   treaties. The United States
               ging and interesting job.   sity.                good men and women       firmly believes that the
               Prior to joining the                             working in this field, star-  Conference on Disarma-
               Department of State, I ser-  Q: You are Ambassador   ting from Secretary of State   ment is important because it
               ved as Foreign Affairs   of a quite masculine    Condoleezza Rice who star-  is the sole international
               Advisor to Senator Sam   field  -  the arms and   ted her career with conside-  body for the negotiation of
               Brownback, an outstanding   arms control- what are   rable study of US-Soviet   multilateral arms control
               representative from the   so interesting about   arms control issues. The   treaties, it operates by
               State of Kansas, where I   this field?           important thing is to work   consensus, and it has a vital
               focused on issues relating to                    hard and be prepared.    role
                                       I have always been interes-
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