Page 19 - DIVA_1_2008_No.32
P. 19

advancing the cause of arms   agreements to restrict wea-  stalemate. For the first time   President this summer, we
          control 		                                        in a long time the       will do everything we can
                                   pons that may cause unne-
          proliferation.           cessary suffering or have   Conference seems to be rea-  do to make the Conference
                                   indiscriminate effects. We   lizing this. We have seen   as substantive and producti-
          There are critically impor-  have the world's first and   serious efforts over the past   ve as possible, and keep it
          tant issues directly relating   most stringent and transpa-  two year to get the   relevant. We will support all
          to disarmament and nonpro-  rent laws governing the   Conference back to work.   the other Presidents in their
          liferation at the CD. The one   trade in arms and ammuni-  We believe it is imperative   efforts to achieve the same
          the US thinks holds the   tion and are prepared to help   to maintain that momentum   objective.
          most likelihood to negotiate   interested countries imple-  this year. I look forward to
          (this is after all a negotiating   ment similar effective laws,   an active and busy agenda   Q: Finally if you had a
          forum) is the Fissile    the single most important   for the Conference on   wish what would that
          Material Cut-Off Treaty   way to keep arms out of the   Disarmament in 2008.   be?
          (FMCT).                  hands of terrorists.
                                                            Q: You will soon be the   I am not a person who puts
          Other important topics are   These are just a few of the   President of Confer-  a lot of stake in wishing. I
          discussed as well disarma-  many ways the United   ence of Disarmament,    would rather work hard to
          ment is one of them. The US   States is a leader in the field   what would you like to   accomplish an objective. As
          has made enormous strides   of arms control and disar-  achieve during your   the U.S. Ambassador to the
          in this area. President Bush   mament, and why I am so   "mandate"?        Conference on Disarma-
          has taken unprecedented   proud to tell our story.                         ment, I can only say again
          steps not only to reduce our                      Whether under our        that my delegation will do
          nuclear arsenal, but also to   Q: The Conference of   Presidency
                                                                                     everything it can to make it
          work with other countries,   Disarmament has been   Presidency of another dele-  as successful as possible this
          especially Russia, to help   qualified as being "an   gation, the United States has   year. Our goal is to start
          them reduce theirs. The   unsuccessful" confe-    and will continue to seek a   negotiations on a multilate-
          President recently announ-  rence. Do you agree in   mandate for the negotiation   ral treaty to ban the produc-
          ced that the United States   this perception?     of a Fissile Material Cut-Off   tion of fissile material (the
          has not only reached its                          Treaty. That has been the   material needed to produce
          ambitious goal of reducing   The Conference on    top agenda item for the   nuclear weapons), and we
          our nuclear arsenal by  50   Disarmament and its prede-  Conference for a number of   are prepared to enter such
          per cent, but we did it seve-  cessors have a proud record   years, and continues to   negotiations without any
          ral years ahead of schedule.   of achievement, including   enjoy the support of almost   pre-conditions. That is the
          Moreover, the President   having negotiated the   all members. The role of the   single most important and
                                                            Conference is to negotiate
          announced that we will not   Chemical 	                                    logical step the Conference
          stop there and will move   Convention, the Biological   multilateral arms control   on Disarma-ment can take
          further by reducing our   Weapons Convention and   treaties, and it is my hope,   to advance the cause of non-
          nuclear arsenal by another   the Treaty for the Non-  and the objective of the   proliferation and internatio-
          15 per cent by 2012.     Proliferation of Nuclear   United States, to seek   nal security. Let's get to
                                   Weapons (NPT).           consensus to negotiate such   work!
          As for helping other                              a treaty as soon as possible.
          countries, let me give you   It has proven that it can   If that happens under our
          one small example. The   work. For too long now   Presidency, that would be
          United States has given   however, it has been sty-  fine, but if it happens earlier,
          billions of dollars in   mied by linkages between   that would be even better.
          assistance to Russia not   issues. This is a formula for   Ultimately, when we are
          only to help it dismantle
          its nuclear weapons safe-
           ly, but also to provide
          meaningful employment              Special sales conditions for Diva read
          to 	                                                                       :r
                                                                                                  ion' c
          employees in its nuclear
          In other areas, the United
          States is a leader in
          destroying land mines
          and excess small arms
          and light weapons and is
          working to achieve
          consensus on multilateral
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