Page 24 - DIVA_1_2008_No.32
P. 24
in neighbourhoods where hand in hand with justice Pakistan and Nepal and increased. As a first step in
they do not belong, people reform, and that is why the Jordan, which are among police reform, we are also
would inform the police. second main effort is to the largest contributing helping the Haitian
That enabled us and the assist Government to remove cor-
countries to peacekeeping
Haitian National Police to Government in setting up a operations worldwide. rupt police officers. As
arrest them. Except for one, proper, uncorrupted and result, the number of police
all of the main gang leaders functioning justice system. In addition, we have some officers will probably
of Cite de Soleil are now in Only these two efforts 2,091 police officers. About remain about the same for a
jail. together can help reinstate 1,000 of whom are while as hundreds of
the rule of law in Haiti. deployed in formed police unsuitable police officers
Q: So one could say units used to restore order leave the police forces and
that the UN mission in Q: Could you tell us in riot situations, whereas some 650 join every year at
Haiti is a success something about the the remaining the police the current rate of training.
story? mission. We are based officers mainly accompany Once all the corrupt or
here in Geneva, and we Haitian police officers otherwise
Indeed it is a success story! know very little about doing patrols or provide officers have been replaced,
However, success did not peacekeeping specialized training for the the number of Haitian
come easy and it is not ours missions. Haitian National Police. police officers will increase
alone. Clearly, the Haitian Right now, there are about exponentially.
Government and the Currently we have 7,060 8,000 Haitian National
Haitian National Police troops. The main troop Police officers, and we Q: What else do you do
have to be given the credit contributions come from hope that by the time we apart from restoring
for these achievements. In Latin America, which is leave, there will be at least law and order?
fact, the main aim of our very much appreciated as it 16,000 of them to maintain
mission is to help rebuild shows that the region itself security and law and order The mission in Haiti is
governmental institutions takes an interest in in Haiti. what we call a complex
in Haiti, starting with the addressing a regional threat peace keeping operation.
police. One of our main to peace and security, For the time being, we are This means that do not just
efforts is to reform the meaning the instability of training roughly 650 new have police and soldiers to
Haitian National Police. Haiti. In addition, we have police officers every year, restore security and public
Police reform has to go troops from Sri Lanka, but that number needs to be order, but that we also have
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