Page 25 - DIVA_1_2008_No.32
P. 25

a mandate to coordinate   government ownership and   governance and rule of law   Q: One of our collea-
           humanitarian assistance   the support of the interna-  had stabilized to the extent   gues went to Haiti and
           and development aid. We   tional community. There   that they could be self-  told us afterwards that
           have a civil affairs section,   are various coordination   sustaining.     there are hardly any
           which is represented in all   mechanisms in order to                      roads.
           10 departments in Haiti,   avoid duplication and to   Q: Haiti is known to be
           and which is, in a sense, our   ensure that donor money is   one of the poorest   In Haiti, the infrastructure
           backbone network for sup-  used in the most efficient   countries in the world,   is in particularly bad shape.
           porting the people living in   way for clearly and jointly   where life expectancy   Just to give you an
           the countryside. The mis-  identified priorities.   is dropping. Do you    example, there are certain
           sion also collaborates with                       think that everything is   places that are only 100 km
           the United Nations Country   Q: So you are optimis-  on the right track so   away, yet it may take more
           Team, which consists of   tic about development   that economic deve-      than 8 hours to get there by
           representatives from agen-  for the year to come?   lopment can move for-  road. As a result, the
           cies and programmes such                          ward?                    mission uses helicopters;
           as the UNDP, UNICEF,    Yes, I'm optimistic in the                         otherwise it would not be
           WFP, UNHCR, FAO etc. -   sense that things are getting   We obviously hope that,   able to reach out to the
           - Altogether we have 14   visibly better. It will take   when security and the rule   places it needs to be, as was
           agencies and programmes   some time, and the mission   of law have been largely   the case was during the
           We closely coordinate our   will have to stay quite a   restored, even though the   elections. We had many
           activities 		                                     situation remains fragile,   situations during the
                                   while yet. At the same time,
           Government and the donor   we have no intention of   investors gradually will   election period where, apart
           community in order to   staying forever; rather we   have confidence to invest in   from helicopters, our
           ensure a coherent overall   have every intention of   Haiti. In particular the   soldiers had to use donkeys
           strategy towards the deve-  being the last peace   Haitian Diaspora, some 2   to transport the ballots and
           lopment of Haiti.       keeping mission in Haiti.   million Haitians living in   other electoral material to
                                   We have had various peace-  France, the US, Canada and   certain mountainous areas.
           The overall strategy is set   keeping missions in Haiti   other places, hopefully   This gives you an
           out by the Government in   before this one, but   might find it attractive to   illustration of how bad the
           consultation with the   unfortunately they left too   invest again in their order to   infrastructure is. It is a very
           United Nations and the   early, i.e. before the   create jobs for the 8 million   fragile environment.
           donors to ensure that it has   institutions of good   people living there.




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