Page 23 - DIVA_1_2020
P. 23

i n t e r n a t i o n a l

                   some cases does not have a positive   “For me it’s truly          For me it’s truly an honor to serve on
                   effect  on  their  share  price.  Some                            the Council, and I do not think that
                   companies will find it harder to talk   an honor to serve on      anybody says no to do so.
                   with  their  banks,  more  difficult  to
                   recruit, so most companies are eager                              Q: Do you think that business should
                   to  remain  in  the  Fund.  Therefore,   the Council, and I do    pay more attention to human rights?
                   we often engage in a dialogue with                                Well,  I  think  that  all  countries
                   the  companies.  It  is  perhaps  not   not think that            have  signed  the  United  Nations
                   our main mandate, but it turns out                                guiding  principles,  and  they  put
                   to be the most effective part of our   anybody says no            expectations on all countries actually
                   work  because  many  companies  are                               to pay attention, follow the law and be
                   willing  to  change  their  conduct  on   to do so.”              active.  Yes,  human  rights  are  a  core
                   the ground. This can involve things                               fundamental of everything, from the
                   such as changing their people on the board, in management,   law to compliance, actually the common sense of running a
                   changes in policies, withdrawing from certain countries or   value-based business. So, yes, I think it’s a core matter and a
                   business areas or even divesting themselves of subsidiaries.   license to operate.
                   Many  companies  will  take  real  measures.  Of  course,  there   It is also a license to make a difference, if you want to do so.
                   are sometimes people who do not, and then of course the   Many companies would like to do that beyond the sort of
                   consequences follow.                            financial return type of positions.

                   Q:  The  Sovereign  Fund  has  tremendous  power.  Do  you,   Q: We have seen several financial crises, and we still see the
                   sometimes,  perhaps  in  the  line  with  the  Government,   social impact of the 2009 crisis. Do you feel that people care
                   propose to invest in some companies?            more about human rights now than before or is it only a
                   We are mandated only to do negative screening, meaning we   Scandinavian concern?
                   only look at companies that are already in the Fund. Of course,   We are here in the United Nations, and this is a global issue,
                   there are some people who would like us actually to do due   and it’s more serious in countries where norms have been
                   diligence prior to the company going into the Fund. However,   violated on a large scale, whether it’s replacement of people
                   that is the responsibility of the Fund itself. The Fund is so big,   or  sexual  harassment.  So,  of  course,  there  are  systematic
                   it is very dependent on following the index, whatever index   violations that are more prevalent in other parts of the world
                   they have been given by the Ministry of Finance. They can   than  in  the  Nordic  countries,  but  the  Fund  is  global,  and
                   on their own initiative do risk-based sale. There is in some   the  Fund  must  strive  to  adhere  to  the  expectations  of  the
                   cases, when they do not like the business model, for instance,   international  community.  I  think  that  to  some  extent  the
                   if they see a risk of corruption. They will not say this pubicly,   financial crisis heightened expectations, especially from the
                   but they will quietly divest. So the responsible management is   financial community, to be more diligent, more responsible.
                   not only by the Council of Ethics but also in the first instance
                   by the Fund itself.                             Q: If you have a message to our readers, what would that
                   Q: How much time do you spend working on these issues?  I  think  all  countries  need  a  piggy  bank,  a  set  of  financial
                   Of  course,  it  varies,  but  I  would  think  in  general  plus  or   institutions,  either  governmental  or  other,  and  safeguards
                   minus a day per week. Sometimes a little less, of course. Now   for their citizens. Such institutions are a very good way of
                   I’m here for two days.                          exercising influence on a global scale. Most of these funds,
                                                                   whether  sovereign  funds  or  pensions  funds,  by  necessity,
                   Q: You are a very famous investor and businessman, and   make investments. It is important to set widely recognized
                   I presume that you have more than enough on your plate.   standards  and  guidelines  for  such  funds  and  to  meet
                   Why did you accept to be a member of this Council?  expectations  beyond  those  that  they  have  perhaps  signed
                   It is really a huge privilege to be able to engage intellectually   on to for themselves and are just trying to live up to. Set the
                   with  a  super  group  of  people  in  both  the  council  and   bar high and strive to achieve those high standards. Try to
                   secretariat  in  order  to  effectuate  the  mandate  and  make  a   be  among  the  better  funds.  I  think  that  is  also  something
                   difference. I get to influence very large companies and raise   that  diplomats  and  others  can  underscore  –  the  role  here
                   the flag. People actually listen, they change, and that’s a huge   of human rights and business. There are plenty of business
                   opportunity to be a part of. I did not know much about it   people  here,  and  they  are  eager  to  talk  to  diplomats,  to
                   before I joined. The companies we invest in are mostly private   human rights activists and to people on the ground. I think
                   so we did not pay much attention to the Council of Ethics.   the dialogue between all these different partners is facilitated
                   Some people say that Ferd should do much more and should   by the diplomatic community.
                   do different things, but on the whole it’s good actually to use                            MF
                   part of my time and intellect to make a difference within this

                   I N T E R N AT I O N A L   D I P LO M AT   -   D I VA
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