Page 5 - DIVA_1_2020
P. 5


                   Reflexions	on	a	Day	of	Confinement

                   As a result of our being in confinement,  doing so much harm?
                   family,  friends  and  colleagues  are  more  The questions are many and the answers
                   present  than  ever  before  in  our  daily  are few, and one can only wonder if the
                   lives.  My  colleague  said  the  other  day,  whole truth one day will come out. Is it,
                   “If  somebody  had  told  me  earlier  that  I  as many tend to believe, only a virus from
                   would  be  in  confinement  until  further  a market, or is it a virus that has escaped
                   notice,  I  would  had  thought  that  this  from a laboratory?
                   person had lost his mind.” Yet, here we are,  Some people have even proposed that this
                   victims of a nasty virus that has created  is a plan to make us all digital dependent,
                   huge collateral damage to people, not to  and  therefore  the  virus  was  deliberately   different way of life.
                   mention the world economy. This like a  planted.                Human  beings  are  incredible  when  it
                   science fiction film become reality.  As we are in the middle of the pandemic,   comes to survival strategies, and you can
                   “We are at war,” the French President said in  we  can  only  wait  and  see.  Once  this   just see the new ways of doing business
                   a speech recently. And to some extent we are,  pandemic is over, we can reflect upon the   that  are  emerging,  the  solidarity  that
                   but this time it’s against an almost invisible  consequences, as my colleague said on the   people show, despite of the confinement.
                   enemy, visible only under a microscope in a  phone.             The   well-known   Swiss   sociologist
                   medical laboratory. The virus in itself is so  However, as a friend said, it’s an interesting   professor Jean Ziegler once said, it’s never
                   virulent that we are all encouraged to stay at  time to watch and analyse what is going   all  bad  with  a  crisis,  because  it  makes
                   home, indoors, despite a lovely spring day  on.  Fortunes  shift  hands,  some  face   people  think.  Although  he  said  this  in
                   with lots of sunshine and high temperatures.  bankruptcy whereas others are doing fine.   a  different  setting  many  years  back,  his
                   It may seem crazy, but this is the sad reality  The immobility has led to a better quality   statement applies today.
                   for many of us.                 of air, so that the air that we all breathing   However, as we are now living in a time
                   The  stock  markets  are  dropping,  is less polluted than before, and many will   close to George Orwell’s famous book 1984,
                   companies  are  facing  huge  difficulties,  perhaps take the time to reflect upon what   and  we  are  all  communicating  over  the
                   restaurants,  bars,  cinemas  and  theatres  we really need and want in this life.  Internet, either by phone or simply sending
                   are all closing until further notice. People  For  the  Planet,  this  virus  is  a  gift  from   texts, perhaps we can start reflecting upon
                   are  losing  their  jobs,  or  going  on  leave  Heaven,  environmentalists  say  because,   what we really need and want.
                   with or without pay. There is no fixed rule  for the first time in a long time, you can   People listen to music, do sports, read…
                   or regulation on this issue, so it’s rather up  see the fish in the Venice canals, and you   So, while waiting for the war to be over,
                   to each employer to do whatever he/she  can  see  Beijing  from  the  sky  instead  of   perhaps  we  can  start  by  changing  some
                   wants.                          the  smog.  Wild  life  –  indeed  the  whole   of  our  habits,  and  see  what  is  really
                   One  can  ask  oneself:  how  is  it  possible  biosphere  –  is  at  stake  so,  perhaps,  we   important in our lives.
                   that one simple virus can be so powerful,  should  use  this  pause  to  reflect  upon  a   Marit

                   The views expressed are the     Mailing address:                Editor: Marit Fosse
                   responsibility of the authors and do   DIVA International Diplomat  Deputy editor: Sanjay Acharya
                   not necessarily reflect the views   p/a Salle de Presse 1
                   of DIVA                         Palais des Nations              Graphic Design: Iris Hariz
                  ®                                1211 Geneva 10                  Contributing to this issue:
                                                   Tel: +41 22 917 43 01
                   DIVA International is a publication of                          Sanjay Acharya, Evelina Rioukhina,
                                                                                   Ryan Kennedy, Oleksandr Svirchevskyy,
                   Graficim Media Ltd              E-mail:                         Alfred de Zayas, Ekaterina Pinchevskaya,
                   29 Linconl’s Inn Field, Holborn,  Marit Fosse, Ita Marguet,
                   WC2A3EE, England
                                                                                   Christian David, Robert J. Parsons,
                                                                                   Celhia de Lavarene, Pierre Virot
                   ISSN: 1660-1934



                 I N I N T E R N AT I O N A L   D I P LO M AT   -   D I VA

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