Page 6 - DIVA_1_2020
P. 6

Interview with
                 Houlin Zhao                                                                                       © ITU / V. Martin

                 Secretary-General of the International Telecommunication Union

                 ITU  Secretary-General  Houlin  Zhao  is  an  information   for  telecommunication  technologies.  In  1980,  China  for
                 and   communication   technology   (ICT)   engineer   the first time tried to change its policy for development of
                 from  the  prestigious  Nanjing  University  of  Posts  and   telecommunications. Until then, China protected its market
                 Telecommunications in China and holds an MSc in Telematics   by producing its own standards.
                 from the University of Essex in the United Kingdom.
                 Prior  to  being  elected  as  ITU  Secretary-General  in  2014,   Let me give you an example. In Europe, they used the PAL
                 Zhao served eight years as ITU Deputy Secretary-General,   system  for  television  broadcasting.  In  China,  they  also
                 supporting the work of the Secretary-General, and eight years   wanted  to  use  the  PAL  system,  but  in  order  to  be  able  to
                 as  the  Director  of  the  ITU  Telecommunication  Standards   protect their own interests, they used the PAL system with
                 Bureau.                                         a slight technical difference. The sound carrier spacing was
                                                                 different. In Europe it was 5.5 MHz; in China they used 6.5
                 He does not often grant interviews, so we feel very privileged   MHz. When I left Geneva at the end of 1980, I brought with
                 that he took the time in his busy schedule to meet with us.   me  a  television  I  had  bought  in  Switzerland  –  it  was  very
                                                                 expensive.  But  to  make  it  work  in  China  I  had  to  change
                 Q: Mr Zhao, you have a long and impressive career in the   this  small  element,  otherwise  the  voice  on  the  TV  was
                 field  of  telecommunications.  What  is  the  area  which  has   incomprehensible. In China they started to look at the issue
                 given you the most satisfaction on a personal level?  and they concluded that if they continued the same way, the
                 My work in ITU. It’s as simple as that. I have spent more than   Chinese market would be blocked and they would not enjoy
                 34 years in ITU. I started out as a member of staff, then I   the new technology as quickly as the others. So, they decided
                 became a member of the management team, and now I’m   to follow the ITU standards whenever possible.
                 here. Before joining ITU, I was a Chinese expert for ITU-  In fact, the first time I was in Geneva was in 1979, when I
                 related issues.                                 visited ITU Telecom 1979 and also supported the Chinese
                                                                 delegation  to  the  World  Radiocommunication  Conference
                 Q: What is so exciting about ITU?               1979, the first of such conferences after World War II. That
                 When  I  was  in  University,  we  heard  about  ITU,  and   conference lasted 100 days continuously, from September to
                 learned  that  the  organization  provides  global  standards   the middle of December.

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