Page 11 - DIVA_1_2020
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                   or you cannot send staff into the area. This is very often the   and  Research,  and  our  financing  is  100%  extra-budgetary,
                   case in these complex emergencies.              with zero dollar-core funding. Everything we do is project-
                                                                   based, and we are fortunate to have donors who are interested
                   Therefore, the satellite images are very useful tools. We can   in  supporting  this  work.  UNITAR’s  budget  is  actually
                   also compare the situation before the war or when the conflict   increasing.
                   started,  and  then  compare  it  to  recent  images.  By  looking
                   back in time, we can also narrow down the time frame and   Obviously, we could do a lot more if we had more funds, so,
                   find the approximate time when something was destroyed,   if there are donors out there who are interested in supporting
                   and this enables us to know also who was in control of the   the work we do on technology support to the core mandates
                   area at that time.                              of  sister  agencies,  especially  in  developing  countries,  and
                                                                   training and capacity development or protection of cultural
                   As we have seen in other places such as in Timbuktu, (Mali) the   heritage for example, please do not hesitate to contact us. We
                   damage done to the cultural heritage monuments became an issue   can do so much more.
                   at the International Criminal Court. So, being able to document
                   these things as they happen is very important. If you are not there   The financial situation has nevertheless been relatively stable
                   to take the photos, or if nobody assesses the situation at the right   over the last couple of years, with a foreseen growth, and we
                   moment and as things are unfolding, we risk not having an image   cannot complain, for we are doing quite fine at the UNOSAT.
                   of damage until at much later stage. In the meantime, things may   It goes without saying that it is hard work, and it is tough.
                   have changed on the ground. So, yes, it is an important technology,   Of course, it is very competitive, but so far, so good. We are
                   and while it is used to document the damage done, even more   known for delivering high-quality work.
                   importantly it is also an advocacy tool.
                                                                   Q: For organizations or whoever wants to benefit from your
                   Q: Listening to you, I have an impression that this is a kind   services, what do they have to do?
                   of spin-off of your regular work?               A: They can always contact us at We work
                   A: You can say that it’s a kind of a spin-off with many spin   mainly  with  UN  and  governments,  but  have  collaboration
                   offs. Sixteen years ago we started focusing on humanitarian   agreements with both IFRC and ICRC and many more. For
                   projects  and  supporting  humanitarians  in  situations  like   training  we  work  together  with  the  countries  we  train  so
                   earthquakes, floods etc. Since then the technology has also   that we can design the appropriate training curriculum for
                   improved.                                       maximum impact.

                   We  work  closely  with  the  UNHCR,  looking  at  refugee   It is important to keep in mind that capacity development
                   camps, helping the HCR plan and manage refugee camps.   takes time. It is a long-term process, and you need to be there
                   We  are  looking  at  refugees  and  displaced  persons,  as  well   over time. This is the reason why we really encourage long-
                   as at capacity development for climate change adaptation to   term projects. One example is the water management project
                   increase  resilience  in  small  island  states  through  a  project   in Chad and our disaster risk reduction activities that we have
                   called  “Common  Sensing”,  which  is  financed  by  the  U.K.   been carrying on in the east Africa for several years now.
                   Space Agency.
                                                                   Q: Is there something else you would like to highlight?
                   The United Nations Secretary-General is also very supportive   The UNOSAT team has been around since 2001. We have
                   of  the  use  of  this  technology,  so,  for  us  this  is  absolutely   provided services to the humanitarian community for many
                   wonderful. We are also making sure that the other United   years now, but we are perhaps not the best communicators
                   Nations agencies have access to this information whenever   nor very good at PR.
                   they need it. So we are working very closely with a wide range
                   of United Nations agencies.                     The reason is quite simple: when you are very busy working
                                                                   with an emergency, for instance, or other difficult issues that
                   As  I  mentioned  earlier,  we  also  interact  directly  with   can sometimes be a challenge because people’s lives are at
                   governments, carrying out a lot training and capacity building   stake, you do not necessarily have much time to communicate.
                   so that they can use the technology themselves.  The priorities are different! This is the reason why I am very
                                                                   happy to have this opportunity to talk with you.
                   So,  yes,  I  think  you  are  perhaps  right  when  say  that  the
                   cultural heritages project is one of the spin-offs. For us, it is   I would say that being able to reach out to a wide audience
                   a sort of latest example of what we can do, and I’m sure there   is important for us so that people can take note that there
                   will be more projects to come, things that we haven’t even   is  a  satellite  imagery  capacity  within  the  United  Nations
                   thought of yet.                                 system, ensuring neutrality and only focusing on scientific
                                                                   assessment, while transferring these skills to member states
                   Q: Everybody is talking about the critical financial situation in   that would like to benefit from such technologies.
                   the United Nations these days. How is your financial situation?
                   A: We  are  part  of  UNITAR,  the  UN  Institute  for  Training




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