Page 14 - DIVA_1_2020
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i n t e r n a t i o n a l

                 and future civil servants to acquire the appropriate tools to   mandate entrusted to it from the General Assembly, namely: “The
                 guide  their  actions  on  peace  laws.  Based  on  agreements,   University for Peace should contribute to the great universal task
                 UPEACE  cooperates  with  the  Secretariat  of  the  Gulf   of educating for peace by engaging in teaching, research, post-
                 Cooperation  Council,  Prince  Saud  Al  Faisal  Institute  for   graduate training and dissemination of knowledge.”
                 Diplomatic Studies (IDS) of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia,
                 ADA (Azerbaijan Diplomatic Academy) University and the   In  these  troubled  times  it  seems  that  peace  is  difficult  to
                 Diplomacy  Academy  of  the  Republic  of  Turkey.  In  fact,  I   achieve. Why?
                 am a visiting scholar of IDS, with which I cooperate in the   The aspiration to create a society in which war plays little or
                 preparation and training of diplomats and civil servants on   no part in the life of our fellow human beings has fired the
                 international law and the United Nations system.  human imagination throughout the history of humankind.
                                                                 The champions of peace have achieved only half-triumphs
                 On  28  October  2019,  UPEACE  signed  an  agreement  of   in their attempts at reaching a more peaceful world, because
                 cooperation with the Lateran Pontifical University, commonly   “peace” has always incited to war.
                 known as the “Pope University”, represented by the Secretary
                 of State of the Vatican. It was the first time ever that the Vatican   Since 1945, peace has been always linked to the notion of
                 signed  an  agreement  with  a  United  Nations  entity,  which   security. In this vein, within the Charter of the United Nations
                 shows our common strong commitment to work jointly for   there is only one provision in which peace is conceived of
                 peace and dialogue in the world through education, research   in a positive way. Article 1.2 states that the purpose of the
                 and  advocacy.  His  Holiness  Pope  Francis  sent  a  message   United Nations is “ take other appropriate measures to
                 praising this future and promising cooperation.  strengthen universal peace”. In every other instance, peace is
                                                                 seen through the lens of security.
                 We  are  deploying  efforts  to  sign  more  agreements  of
                 cooperation with other diplomatic academies in the region.   However, we should also remember that seventy-five years
                 In this vein, UPEACE will travel soon to inestable areas to   ago,  the  United  Nations  Charter  established  the  three
                 discuss with diplomats on the prospects of peace education.   founding pillars of the United Nations: peace and security,
                 On 24 February, UPEACE signed a cooperation agreement   human rights, and development. These pillars have provided
                 with  European  Public  Law  Organization  (EPLO)  and  the   the framework for the United Nations to tackle important
                 King  Abdullah  Bin  Abdulaziz  ….  in  order  to  prepare  and   challenges.  We  cannot  pick  and  choose  which  pillar  the
                 implement an ambitious project for combating hate speech   United Nations should support, nor can we focus on one to
                 and violent extremism.                          the detriment of the others. To do so would be to invite future
                                                                 conflicts. Consequently, promoting peace at the expense of
                 Additionally,  through  the  new  Chairmanship  of  the  Non-  ignoring human rights and development is a useless effort,
                 Aligned Movement (NAM), UPEACE will cooperate with the   which further generates the conditions to ignore the lessons
                 Republic of Azerbaijan to strengthen the pillar of peace and   of the past 75 years.
                 security alongside multilateralism and the approach to other
                 relevant regional/political groups within the United Nations.  Resolution 60/251 of the Human Rights Council adopted by
                                                                 the General Assembly on 15 March 2006 recognised in its
                 Through our regional offices in Addis Ababa, Manila, The Hague,   Preamble Paragraph 6 that, “peace and security, development
                 New York, Geneva and Beijing, UPEACE will faithfully fulfil the   and human rights are the pillars of the United Nations system

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