Page 15 - DIVA_1_2020
P. 15

i n t e r n a t i o n a l

                   and the foundations for collective security and well-being,   and  peace.  It  is  important  to  show  the  United  Nations
                   and recognizing that development, peace and security and   these  good  practices/examples  promoted  by  the  different
                   human rights are interlinked and mutually reinforcing.”  permanent observers in the Geneva context and beyond.

                   Is education the only solution?                 Another cross regional initiatives taking shape in Geneva is the
                   I don’t think so. Education is an important tool to promote   promotion of the topic “women, peace and multilateralism”
                   peace,  but  it  is  insufficient  if  it  is  not  accompanied  by   led by the Kingdoms of Jordan and Spain, EU and NAM. At
                   other  policies  and  actions.  In  this  sense,  the  Sustainable   the June session of the Human Rights Council, a joint oral
                   Development Goals are the blueprint to achieve a better and   statement was delivered with the support of 70 states. Since
                   sustainable future for all. They address the global challenges   the beginning of the process, both UNESCO, UN-Women
                   we  face,  including  those  related  to  poverty,  inequality,   and  UPEACE  have  provided  a  support  in  terms  of  both
                   climate change,  environmental  degradation,  peace  and   advice and advocacy.
                   justice. The 17 Goals are all interconnected, and in order to
                   leave  no  one  behind,  it  is  important  that  we  achieve them   We need to use all the technical and political spaces offered by
                   all by 2030.                                    United Nations in Geneva to promote the positive notion of
                                                                   peace. The forthcoming summit of the Group of Twenty (G-
                   In the field of education, we should recall the importance of   20) in November 2020 in Riyadh (Saudi Arabia) will allow us
                   promoting Holocaust education among the new generations.   to advance on concrete peace action in the Arab region. As
                   While most Holocaust education centers have focused on the   a member of G-20, the European Union is well positioned to
                   genocide  committed  against  Jews  by  the  Nazis,  a  growing   show the world that integration, mediation and prevention
                   number have expanded their mission and programming to   contribute to the reinforcement of peace policies in a region
                   include the murder of other groups, such as the Armenian,   plagued  by  conflicts  and  instability.  The  contribution  of
                   Rwandan and Bosnian people. To teach about the particularity   UNESCO  and  UPEACE  to  this  process  is  instrumental,
                   of the Holocaust is an opportunity to teach about the nature   because  through  education  and  culture  –  among  others
                   and dynamics of mass atrocity crimes (i.e. genocide, crimes   things – the region will transition from a culture of violence
                   against humanity and war crimes).               to a culture of peace and prevention.

                   Finally Mr Ambassador, if you have a message to our readers   In the early years of the twenty-first century, war fatalities have
                   what would that be?                             progressively dropped compared to the last century. Over the
                   My message to your readers is that consensus has always been   long term, peace movements have contributed greatly to the
                   the norm and tendency not only in international relations,   emergence of new norms that delegitimise war and promote
                   but  in  the  United  Nations  as  well.  For  important  matters   the value of peace. Fewer inter/intra state wars are starting,
                   affecting the life of millions of people, the United Nations,   more are ending, and those that remain are smaller and more
                   including  its  multiple  entities  and  bodies,  still  works  on   localized than in past years. It follows that we should stress
                   the  basis  of  multilateralism  with  the  purpose  of  reaching   the importance of peace and the possibility of resolving our
                   important consensual decisions. This highest aspiration can   conflicts in ways other than violence.
                   be realized only if all member states and other stakeholders   Today  the  obligation  of  the  international  community  is  to
                   operate by the unwritten United Nations rule and tendency   hear the voice of the voiceless, which strongly demands the
                   of consensus and dialogue.                      right to live in a world free of wars and conflicts, in which
                                                                   their rights and human dignity are fully respected. It follows
                   In  this  sense,  I  would  like  also  to  inform  you  that  within   that, now that we are well into the twenty-first century, many
                   the  context  of  General  Assembly  Resolution  73/127  on   human  rights  organisations,  peace  activists,  citizens  and
                   Multilateralism  and  Diplomacy  for  Peace,  the  different   governments strongly demand the adoption of policies aimed at
                   permanent observers to the United Nations Office in Geneva,   preventing wars and conflicts, and the United Nations should
                   led  by  the  European  Union  and  the  Organization  of  the   provide an effective response.
                   Islamic Cooperation, with our support, have created a group
                   of observers aimed at promoting multilateralism, diplomacy

                   I N T E R N AT I O N A L   D I P LO M AT   -   D I VA
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