Page 17 - DIVA_1_2020
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i n t e r n a t i o n a l
and emphasizes on the weave, and until they
recognition of the other. develop their capacities to
The year 2019 marked weave carpets.
the year of peace and There are different
tolerance in the United activities across the scale.
Arab Emirates, and it is For those who do not
not only a countrywide have any experience in
initiative but also a global weaving, they can spin
initiative. Since FBMI was washed wool. University
founded in the United students and graduates
Arab Emirates, and is one of the sustainable models of the are hired to work in our design team. We have contemporary
UAE government, and since the special project is close to His designs that sell. Research, as well as experience, has shown
Highness the Crown Prince, we decided to come up with a us that the traditional Afghan carpet cannot be sustainably
concept called the Peace Carpet Project. In the 1980s, the sold in the West or other markets forever, so, we have a
War Rack became very famous by promoting war in villages, wonderful design team who travel to carpet exhibitions such
as there were no TVs, and encouraged them to rise up and as in Dormatech in Germany, as well as high points in the
fight against the invasion. This lasted for decades. People United States and in the United Kingdom. They develop new
were weaving these carpets showing guns, bullets, and this ideas, so, it is really another tremendous activity that we
military hardware. So, we thought, let us use this opportunity create for people.
to promote peace. That’s what they do now. In Afghanistan, carpet weaving is a centuries-old tradition. A
UAE Ministry of Foreign Affairs through its foreign missions small portion of our employees already knew how to weave
hosted the Peace Projects in New York, London, Roma and carpets. We use them to train others who are less fortunate.
Geneva being the last destination as part of UAE’s celebration for
the year of tolerance. In UAE, with more than 200 nationalities Q4: From what I understand, you also maintain the traditions
living peacefully and successfully in the UAE, the UAE society FBMI: One of the reasons why we chose hand-made carpets
has been an example of being a tolerant and a peaceful country. was to keep the culture and tradition alive. The government
H.H. Sheikh Mohammed Bin Zayed Al Nahyan, Crown Prince of Abu-Dhabi and Her Highness Sheikha Fatima Bin
of Abu Dhabi and Deputy supreme Commander of the UAE’s Mohammed have especially focused for the last five years,
Armed Forces, gifted this same carpet to Pope Francis a Peace and continue doing so for the next five years, on cultural
Carpet during his visit to the Vatican in 2019. heritage. They have invested heavily in the cultural heritage
FBMI: We looked at the project from the production process, of global countries as well. They have programs around the
whereas in the past, the aid agencies just went to the women world. There is a new committee called Alef, which focuses
and gave them the materials, but there were no markets. We on war-torn regions and the preservation of culture and
needed to get access to markets, and that is one of the biggest cultural heritage including in Iraq and Afghanistan. It has
challenges facing Afghanistan. Afghan products do not have always been their vision to promote culture.
a market abroad, neither the design nor the technology for
example, so we needed capacity building to make products Q5: So what are your next FBMI projects?
that can sell in the West. This was one of the key challenges. FBMI: From 20 January 2020, we will be working on a new
How could we make a product that sells in the West? I am Afghan product, and it is not a carpet. The new product is
very pleased that we have been exhibiting here and have also one empowering women and employs women in rural
multi-award winning designs. Now the carpets that we make areas. This product is Safran. We will help to produce and sell
do not have any graphs, they are just beautiful designs. The clean safran abroad.
weavers weave from their mind what they would like peace to
be like. They have wonderful symbols in the carpets. Q6: How can people get access to your carpets, and later buy
Q3: How do you chose the women to participate in the project? FBMI: We have a website where people can find our
FBMI: We have been overwhelmed by different provinces in products. We have showrooms in the Abu-Dhabi and Dubai
Afghanistan, local women approaching us seeking employment. design districts so people are more than welcome to send us
Our hope is that one day we can employ all Afghan women so requests. We ship globally and we have won several interior
we can keep the craft and the cultural heritage alive through design awards. We have been shortlisted for several global
carpet weaving. The selection process starts out with equal design projects.
opportunities. The selection process happens in provinces
where the finishing of carpets is an on-going activity using Q7: So, the “must” in the 2020s is to have an individually
such things as silk purchased from Herat and other local designed carpet hand-woven by Afghan women.
communities in western Afghanistan. We started out in Kabul, FBMI: I think so, and strongly believe so! What people do not
and Jalalabad. Some of the employed are returned refugees, realize is that carpets have a lot of significance in our societies.
people coming back from neighboring Pakistan. We give them The Armenians were refugees and used to weave them in the
activities such as wool spinning if they do not know how to refugee camps. If you can find one, they are worth millions.