Page 13 - DIVA_1_2020
P. 13

i n t e r n a t i o n a l

                   leadership  of  Ambassador  Manuel  Dengo  and  the  Deputy
                   Ambassador Christian Guillermet -today Vice Minister- we
                   deployed major efforts so that the United Nations declared
                   in 2016 “the right of everyone to enjoy peace, human rights
                   and development”. This was a great  achievement within the
                   United  Nations,  which  involved  close  to  10  years  of  hard
                   work at the governmental and non-governmental level. Cuba
                   also played an important role.

                   After, I was appointed by UNESCO to coordinate with the
                   Abat Oliba University a reflection about the contribution of
                   the United Nations system to peace since the inception of
                   the United Nations in 1945. The vision and support from Dr.
                   Abdulaziz Almuzaini, former director of the UNESCO liaison
                   office in Geneva and my friend Mr. Bobir Tukhtabayev, senior
                   UNESCO staff, were fundamental to accomplishing the goal
                   of publishing the book Long Walk to Peace: Towards a Culture
                   of Prevention. I take this opportunity to recall that 32 funds,
                   programmes  and  specialized  agencies  participated  in  this   UPEACE  has  its  headquarters  in  Costa  Rica,  a  country
                   joint action led by our UNESCO team in Geneva and Paris.   distinguished  by  a  long  tradition  of  democracy  and  peace
                   This is an example of the United Nations delivering as One.  begun when it abolished its army in 1948. Efforts to establish
                                                                   the University for Peace began at the United Nations under
                   In  June  2018,  I  presented  my  letter  of  credentials  to  the   the leadership of the president of Costa Rica, Rodrigo Carazo.
                   United  Nations  Director-General  as  a  new  permanent   Today  his  son,  Rodrigo  Alberto  Carazo,  is  the  permanent
                   observer of the University for Peace to the United Nations   representative of Costa Rica to the United Nations in New
                   Office  and  other  international  organizations  in  Geneva.   York, which shows the continuity of this long aspiration for
                   Thanks to the appointment requested by Dr. Francisco Rojas   peace in the United Nations coming from Costa Rica.
                   Aravena,  Rector  of  UPEACE,  I  am  honoured  to  represent
                   this  important  university  to  the  United  Nations  system  in   The  UPEACE  mission  is  “to  provide  humanity  with  an
                   Geneva.  In  November  this  year,  I  was  also  confirmed  by   international institution of higher education for peace with
                   UNESCO  as  the  Permanent  Observer  of  UPEACE  to  the   the  aim  of  promoting  among  all  human  beings  the  spirit
                   UNESCO headquarters in Paris.                   of  understanding,  tolerance  and  peaceful  coexistence,  to
                                                                   stimulate  cooperation  among  peoples  and  to  help  lessen
                   I regularly participate in debates about the present, future   obstacles and threats to world peace and progress, in keeping
                   and  main  challenges  of  humankind.  In  this  regard,  I’m  a   with the noble aspirations proclaimed in the Charter of the
                   fellow of the World Academy of Arts and Science, which   United Nations.
                   was created by Albert Einstein, Joseph Rotblat and Bertrad
                   Russell.  I’m  also  member  of  the  Club  of  Rome,  founded   UPEACE  is  part  of  the  academic  wing  of  the  United
                   in  1968  by  Aurelio  Peccei  and  Alexander  King  at  Villa   Nations  system,  and  has  observer  status  at  the  General
                   Farnesina  in  Rome.  I  have  also  contributed  to  creating   Assembly, while maintaining its independence in academic,
                   think tanks, such as the International Association of Peace   financial  and  management  matters.  The  United  Nations
                   (APAIX) in Switzerland and the UNESCO Chair on Peace,   Secretary-General is  the  honorary  president  of  UPEACE.
                   Solidarity  and  Intercultural  Dialogue  of  the  Abat  Oliba   The  General  Assembly  maintains  a  constant  interest  in
                   University in Spain.                            the activities of UPEACE, and in periodic resolutions calls
                                                                   on  the  Secretary-General  to  report  to  it  on  its  activities.
                   You are representing the University of Peace. Could you tell   Accordingly,  the  Secretary-General  reports  to  the  General
                   us a little about what this is all about?       Assembly periodically on the progress of UPEACE. I should
                   UPEACE  is  an  intergovernmental  organization with   also recall that UNESCO is part of the governing body of the
                   university  status,  established  by  an  international  treaty.  By   University  alongside  the  University  of  the  United  Nations
                   resolution  35/55  of  5  December  1980,  the  United  Nations   and the Government of Costa Rica.
                   General  Assembly  endorsed  the  treaty  establishing  the
                   University for Peace by adopting the International Agreement   UPEACE  has  unique  worldwide  authorization  to  award
                   for the Establishment of UPEACE along with its Charter of   academic and doctorate degrees, recognized by all countries,
                   the University for Peace. As of today, 41 states have signed this   which are members of the General Assembly.
                   international treaty. On the eve of our fortieth anniversary is
                   coming in 2020, we would like to make a general call to those   UPEACE is active in the Middle East and Caucasus region
                   states that have still not yet signed the treaty to do so for the   by having signed memoranda of understanding with several
                   sake of peace and stability in our respective regions.  diplomatic academies. Peace education will permit diplomats

                   I N T E R N AT I O N A L   D I P LO M AT   -   D I VA
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