Page 15 - DIVA 1 2023
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international                                         international

                                opening session of the General Assembly of  creativity is an essential basis for sustainable
                                the World Intellectual Property Organization  development, Correia e Silva emphasized.
                                (WPO) in Geneva on July 15. Cabo Verde is
                                a  nation  that  has  existed  for  more  than  5.5  According to the prime minister, Cabo Verde is
                                centuries. The country has gone from being a  interesting for foreign investments, especially
                                colony to becoming an independent country,  from  the  Diaspora,  which  is  in  particular
                                from  a  one-party  regime  to  a  constitutional  living in the United States. There are 500’000
                                liberal democracy.                     inhabitants today on the Cabo Verde Islands.
                                                                       More than twice as many people are living in
                                “From being a LDC (Least Developed Country),  the  Diaspora,  half  a  million  of  them  in  the
                                we have reached the status of a MIC (Middle  United States, some others in Europe and on
                                Income Country) and are legitimately aiming to  the African continent.
                                sustainable development,” Correia e Silva said.
                                “The geographical location that used to position  increasing trade with african mar-
                                us  far  from  the  world,  today  positions  Cabo  kets
                                Verde  as  a  Tourism  platform  and  with  high  Correia  e  Silva  visited  in  Geneva  also  the
                                potential as an air, maritime and digital hub, and  World  Trade  Organization  (WTO).  His
                                for maritime cooperative safety in the Atlantic.”   country is developing internet platforms for a
                                                                       more efficient management of foreign trade.
                                expanding tourism                      Another  topic  at  the  WTO  was  the  African
                                Cabo  Verde  is  interested  in  the  African  free trade market, an initiative of the African
 Prime Minister Jose Ulisses de Pina Correia e Silva
                                tourism market. Already before the covid-19  Union already ratified. One of the objectives
                                pandemic the country started to invest in its  of  Cabo  Verde  is  a  better  integration  in  the
                                air  company.  But  the  pandemic  interrupted  African markets. According to Correia e Silva,
                                this  development.  According  to  Correia  e  Cabo Verde’s trade with the African continent
                                Silva  there  is  a  need  for  more  transports  to  includes  today  only  2  per  cent.  To  increase
                                African countries, Cabo Verde is an air hub  this figure, there is a need to put in place an
                                for  intercontinental  flights,  between  Africa  adequate  system  of  maritime  transport,  the
                                and  Europe  and  between  Africa  and  the  prime minister said.
                                American  continent.  “We  are  a  well  located
                                country”,  Cabo  Verde’s  prime  minister  told  Cabo  Verde  is  also  becoming  a  digital  hub.
                                “Diva International”. “It is close to the African  There  are  many  technology  start-ups  in  the
                                continent, to Europe and to Brazil.” Before the  country,  which  offers  a  favourable  ecosystem
 Cabo verde on the way to be an air,   covid-19  pandemic  nearly  800’000  tourists  for e-commerce, he said, technically and fiscally.
                                travelled to the country per year.
                                                                       Cabo Verde is also attractive for digital nomads.
 maritime and digital hub       WIPO is an important partner for Cabo Verde,  renewable energy

                                the  country  is  interested  in  developing  the  An  important  topic  of  the  discussions  of
                                field of intellectual property and in opening  Correia  e  Silva  in  Geneva  was  renewable
 Cabo Verde is transforming adversities into solutions. It is developing its   international  markets.  The  country  has  energy. Cabo Verde has a strong program for

 role as a hub for air and maritime transport and a hub for digital economy.   particular products like the wine produced on  energy transition.
                                Fogo Island close to the volcano. The coffee
                                produced on Fogo Island is being sold today  Today renewable energy, mainly solar energy,
 Annegret Mathari, Geneva       in Starbuck coffee shops, Correia a Silva told  covers around 20 per cent of the energy needs
                                “Diva  international”.  Intellectual  property  is  of the country and it is expected to increase
 The  sun  and  wind,  which  were  symbols  of  economy and a potential for exploiting blue   also important concerning handicraft and the  to 50 per cent until 2030. Cabo Verde is also
 drought, today represent sources of renewable  economy  and  a  potential  for  clean  energy   copyrights in the music of the country.   promoting electric mobility. It has started to
 energy for Cabo Verde. The sea that was once  production.             procure electric cars for public transport. And
 a  symbol  of  emigration,  today  represents   Covid-19 has accelerated the ways of working  in 2040, the country wants to use exclusively
 tourism,  desalinated  water,  exportation  of  “Cabo  Verde  is  resilience,  overcoming  and   through  the  potential  of  innovation  and  electric vehicles. According to Correia e Silva,
 fishing,  aquaculture  and  canning  industry  transforming adversities into solutions”, Prime   information and communication technology.  this is not only a climate change topic, but also
 products,  a  center  for  R&D  in  the  blue  Minister  Ulisses  Correia  e  Silva  said  at  the   For  his  country,  the  genius  of  human  an economic one.

     w w w. d i va i n t e r n at i o n a l . c h  w w w. d i va i n t e r n at i o n a l . c h
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