Page 11 - DIVA 1 2023
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START YOUR international international
Environment and biodiversity, protection of for their ability and their willingness to do Pelicans in Lake
species -- all this is very important, but when this. The strength of CITES is its compliance Elementaita,
a conflict arises, do the belligerents in general mechanism and the possibility of applying a Kenya
respect the convention? compliance measure, such as where a Party
Now we’re into an area which I believe is CITES’ has to stop all trade in CITES listed species, is
heartland. This year marks the 50 Anniversary a powerful tool. In general, Parties respect it
of the CITES coming into being and if there is and make efforts, often with the assistance of
one thing that has made us effective over those the Secretariat, to emerge from a compliance
50 years it has been the ability of the Parties process. The hardest issue to address is of
to resolve many of their differences and work course the illegal trade, as often criminal
toward the common goal of safeguarding organizations are involved, and it is hard work
species and ensuring sustainable international to combat them.
wildlife trade. If anyone wants an example
of how multilateralism should work and can This year, big and important meetings have
Double degree with University of Plymouth (UK) be effective, I suggest they look at any of our followed one after another. Let us briefly
decision-making meetings. Of course, the one mention, CITES COP in Panama, UBD in
fresh in my mind is our most recent CoP in Montreal, and UNFCCC in Sharm El Sheikh.
Panama. On the listings of species (mostly You participated in two of them. What is your
to increase protection but there were a few assessment of these meetings?
cases to decrease protection – a real success), You’re right, I was at CITES CoP, of course as
BACHELOR AND MASTER PROGRAMS IN: out of the 52 proposals, 46 were agreed and the Secretary-General and I was at the CBD
• International Management it’s not because there were no differences of COP both representing CITES but also as the
opinion. It’s because the Parties worked hard Chair of the Collaborative Partnership on
• International Relations and Diplomacy – often behind the scenes – to understand Sustainable Wildlife Management – which is a
each other’s positions and work towards partnership of 14 international organisations
• Digital Media resolving any differences. They came out with that work for the sustainable use and
many historic decisions backed by a global conservation of wildlife resources. I also take
« Portrait d’arbres », Italie 2019 consensus. I want to pay tribute to the Parties part in the Biodiversity Liaison Group, which
• Business Analytics
• Computer Science w w w. d i va i n t e r n at i o n a l . c h w w w. d i va i n t e r n at i o n a l . c h
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