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international                                                                                                            international

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    Photos : Copyright Sanjay Acharya

                                                                                                                                         Aletsch glacier   the Parties, at their meetings every 2-3 years,  people  do  not  seem  to  care.  What  are  the
                                                                                                                                          in Swiss Alps,   called  the  Conference  of  the  Parties,  and  implications of this, and what can be done to
                                                                                                                                       shrinking rapidly   using the best scientific evidence, who decide  remedy it?
              Interview with CITES Secretary-General                                                                                       owing to the   if a plant or animal species is threatened by  We are seeing an alarming drop in biodiversity
              ivonne higuero                                                                                                              climate crisis  international trade and the level of protection  and one in eight of all animal and plant species
                                                                                                                                                       required  so  their  survival  in  the  wild  is  not  are threatened with extinction. There are many
                                                                                                                                                       at risk. So, through this global treaty, almost  threats  to  wildlife,  of  which  overexploitation
                               You might remember Ms Ivonne Higuero from  from P3 to D2, at UNEP in Nairobi and Geneva                                 all the countries of the world have agreed to  and illegal wildlife trade are main ones. It’s a
                               the time she was the Director of the Economic  as well as UNECE. My career focus has been                               be bound to ensure the international wildlife  worrying picture but I believe the great majority
                               Cooperation and Trade Division for the United  on  natural  resource  economics  and  policy,                           trade is sustainable, legal and traceable.   of people do care. More and more I am seeing
                               Nations  Economic  Commission  for  Europe.  ecosystems  and  biodiversity  conservation  and                                                                  evidence  at  the  international  and  national
                               In  2018,  she  was  appointed  to  the  position  sustainable use and environment and trade. My                        As  Secretary-General,  I  ensure  the  Parties  levels of groups of people concerned about the
                               of  Secretary  General  of  the Convention  on  work  experience  of  almost  three  decades,  my                       receive  the  best  services  possible  from  the  survival of wild plants and animals. Let me give
                               International  Trade  in  Endangered  Species  biology, economics, and trade background and                             Secretariat and oversee the implementation of  the example of the youth. We are celebrating
                               of  Wild  Fauna  and  Flora  (CITES).  It  is  not  former position as focal point for a number of                      our programme of work as decided by the Parties  World Wildlife Day on 3 March and around
                               an easy job to defend Endangered Species of  multilateral  environmental  agreements  have                              at their CoP. We provide technical assistance,  the  world  young  people  are  expressing  their
                               Wild  Fauna  and  Flora  in  these  days.  During  provided me with the knowledge and experience                        capacity-building  and  advice  to  support  fear of a world without wildlife – for example,
                               the coronavirus  pandemic in  2020  she  noted  necessary to lead the work of the Secretariat as                        the  Parties  to  implement  the  Convention  in Singapore and Malaysia a group of young
                               that  illegal  wildlife  trade  not  only  helps  to  CITES  Secretary-General.  I  am  honoured  to                    effectively.  We prepare the documentation for  people are organizing a Southeast-Asia-focused
                               destroy habitats, but that these habitats create  be the first woman and the first person from a                        the governing and scientific bodies’ meetings,  symposium  and  will  discuss  wildlife  trade,
                               a  safety  barrier  for  humans  that  can  prevent  developing country selected as CITES Secretary-                    organise and service them. I work with Parties  species  recovery,  and  ecosystem  restoration.
                               pathogens from animals passing themselves on  General  and  I  am  honoured  and  fortunate  to                         at  all  levels  to  support  them  in  their  efforts  The youth are our hope for the future, and they
                               to people. We were curious to learn more about  work with such an effective convention and with                         to  comply  with  and  enforce  the  Convention.  expect us to address the threats to wildlife. Our
                               her work so we went knocking on her door. The  enthusiastic team members.                                               We  also  work  closely  with  partners,  such  as  World Wildlife Day website, www.wildlifeday.
                               floor is yours Secretary-General Ms Higuero.                                                                            other multilateral environmental conventions,  org,  will  highlight  all  the  events  around  the
                                                                     You  are  the  Secretary  General  of  the                                        UN  bodies,  indigenous  peoples  and  local  world  on  3  March.  There  is  of  course  much
                               Could  you  please  tell  us  a  little  about  your  Convention  on  International  Trade  in                          communities, intergovernmental organizations,  work to be done and we need to continue to
                               background?                           Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora                                        non-governmental organizations, and industry,  build  capacity  and  enforce  the  rules  so  that
                               I  am  a  Panamanian  national  with  an  (CITES). What exactly do you do, and how do                                   and by joining forces, we support the Parties to  the scientific, legal and enforcement tools are
                               undergraduate  degree  in  biology  from  the  you and your organization decide if a species                            meet  their  obligations  under  the  Convention  used to halt overexploitation, illegal trade and
                               University  of  Missouri  and  a  master’s  degree  is endangered?                                                      and achieve its goals.                 corruption that drives species loss. It will take
                               in natural resource economics and policy from  The Secretary-General is the head of the CITES                                                                  a joint effort, with every one of us playing our
                               Duke  University  in  the  United  States.  I  have  Secretariat, which services the 184 signatory                      We  hear  from  time  to  time  that  species  are  part. That’s actually the theme of this year’s UN
                               worked  for  the  United  Nations  for  28  years,  Parties, including the European Union.  It is                       disappearing,  but  for  some  strange  reason,  World  Wildlife  Day,  which  CITES  organizes.

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