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sommaire                                                                                                                editorial


                 6    Interview with CITES               40  Decolonization of a
                      Secretary-General                       museum?
                      Ivonne Higuero
                                                         42  Nouvelle législation Suisse
                 14  Prime Minister Cabo Verde                en matière d’analyse
                      Jose Ulisses de Pina Correia e Silva     génétique
                                                              the Swiss referendum
                 16  Azerbaijan and Armenia :
                      Reflecting on the peace process    45  À la découverte des                                                      “Have  you  noticed,”  my  colleague  point on how food has come to play  also  to  promote  knowledge  about
                                                              institutions politiques                                                 asked  one  day,  “how  much  we  are  an  important  role  in  international  their  own  countries,  including
                 18  India’s G20 Presidency                   Suisses                                                                 paying attention to food prices these  relations. The United Nations set up  – and sometimes especially! –  their
                                                                                                                                      days?  Prices  increase  every  month,  the Grain Initiative assuring exports  cuisine.  So,  what  can  we  do,  we
                 20  Une nouvelle Égypte                 48  Humeurs technologiques                                                   and  wherever  you  turn,  you  see  of  both  Russian  and  Ukrainian  ordinary people, on our level?
                                                                                                                                      creative cooking receipts to do more  cereal  crops.  What  we  might  call
                                                                                                                                      with  less,  advice  on  nutritious  and  food diplomacy seems to be the rise.  “Well,”  my  colleague  reflected,  “the
                 24  Interview avec Alain Moser          50  The Sannas                                                               inexpensive food, and so forth. The  In diplomacy there are many ways to  creator  of  the  World  Trade  Center
                      Directeur général                       A Couple, a Northern                                                    COVID pandemic aftermath, and the  excel in the use of food. Some might  Twin  Towers  in  New  York,  Guy
                      de l’Ecole Moser                        Outpost and an                                                          conflict in Europe have led us to realize  use it as a means of exercising power  Tozzoli,  used  to  say,  ‘When  people
                                                              Extraordinary Restaurant                                                the  extent  to  which  our  different  and influence, whereas others might  trade  together,  they  do  not  fight,’
                 33  Discovering Saudi Arabia :                                                                                       economies  are  interconnected,  and  use it as a way to create friendly and  claiming  that  trade  and  diplomacy
                                                                                                                                                                      peaceful relations among neighbors  go hand in hand.”
                                                                                                                                      how much we need one another.
                      Al Ula                                                                                                                                          and  friends.  The  Black  Sea  Grain
                                                                                                                                      “We  did  not  think  much  about  it  has  proven  itself  to  work  very  So, let me change that a little and put
                 36  United in “Moitié-Moitié”?                                                                                       earlier,  but  all  of  a  sudden,  we  all  well, and it has saved a lot of food-  it this way: in many parts of the world,
                      It’s bigger - it’s called                                                                                       woke  up  to  the  harsh  reality  about  importing  countries  from  social  you can see how people gather around
                      The Welsch !                                                                                                    a  year  ago.  Let  me  give  you  an  unrest,  not  to  mention  food  riots.  one  or  several  dishes.  In  fact,  more
                                                                                                                                      example,”  he  continued.  “One  day,  Of  course,  we  have  the  Food  and  often than not, a meal of some sort is at
                                                                                                                                      there  was  no  more  mustard  in  the  Agricultural  Organisation  striving  the center of a gathering be it business
                                                                                                                                      shops in France, then the same thing  to  achieve  food  security,  trying  or social. And such is the case for the
                                                                                                                                      happened to sunflower oil. There was  to  make  sure  people  have  regular  typical Meze in the Middle East or a
                                                                                                                                      literally no more to be found in the  access to enough high-quality food  meal in Africa, Asia or elsewhere.
                                                                                                                                      markets for a while, until the various  to  lead  active,  healthy  lives.  Their
                                                                                                                                      importers found new suppliers. In a  mandate  is  to  improve  nutrition,  So, while the politicians are debating
                                                                                                                                      country  like  France,  where  people  increase  agricultural  productivity,  and  disputing,  let’s  meet  for  some
                                                                                                                                      use a lot of mustard and oil in their  raise  the  standard  of  living  of  personal  food  diplomacy  events.
              The views expressed are the     Mailing address:               Editor: Marit Fosse                                      salads, it came as a huge shock. You  rural  populations  and  contribute  Such  occasions  are  an  excellent
              responsibility of the authors and do   DIVA International Diplomat  Deputy editor: Evelina Rioukhina                    considered  yourself  lucky  if  your  to  global  economic  growth.  The  opportunity  to  get  to  know  one’s
              not necessarily reflect the views   p/a Salle de Presse 1                                                               shopkeeper was kind enough to be  World  Food  Programme,  a  United  neighbors and to discover something
              of DIVA                         Palais des Nations             Graphic Design: Iris Hariz                               willing to sell you one jar of mustard.  Nations member state organization,  of the culture they are a part of when
              ©      1211 Geneva 10                                                                        ® Can you imagine?”               is  another  one,  also  addressing  it is different from our own. If we eat
                                              Tel: +41 22 917 43 01          Contributing to this issue:                                                              hunger and promoting food security,  together, we are not going to fight,
              DIVA International is a publication                            Robert J.Parsons, Annegret Matari,                       The  last  twenty  years  or  more  of  especially in difficult situations.  are we? Rather, these occasions can
              of Graficim Media Ltd           E-mail:                        Jean-Michel Wissmer, Evelina                             globalization  have  made  it  obvious                         be used to launch long, continuing
              29 Linconl’s Inn Field, Holborn,  Rioukhina, Christian David, Sanjay                     that we cannot go back to the pre-  On  a  personal  level,  diplomats  conversations  leading  to  at  least  a
              WC2A3EE, England                                               Acharya, Pierre-Michel Virot,                            Cold-War  basis  of  international  organize   dinner   parties   and  little less tension in the world and a
                                                                             Véronique Vesval, Alex Caire, Gheed                      relations,  although  some  would  receptions,  not  only  to  celebrate  little more harmony. Upon this note,
              ISSN: 1660-1934                                                El Bizri, Christian Pauletto                             like us to do so. This leads us to the  events  and  national  holidays,  but  we wish you all a wonderful day!

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