Page 3 - DIVA_No.18_2005
P. 3

3 Map of death: There is no words
           4 édito
           6 Fondation Bambi:
              Interview avec Cristina Manuela Fedele

         Diva's Special: Georgia

           S One year has passed since
               the "Revolution of Roses" in Georgia...
           10  The Soul of Georgia
           12 From the historic Silk Road
               to new geo-economic dimensions
           14  Tbilisi:
               Ancient City of Warm Springs

         Diva International

         16 Interview with Marcel A. BOISARD
              United Nations Assistant Secretary-General
               and Executive Director of UNITAR
         18 Prevention is better than cure:
               a most obvious statement, right? Wrong.
         20 World Meteorological Organization
               Weather • Climate • Water                      33 The World Aids Day 1 December,
         22 Leadership for Good:                                    at the United Nations Headquarters' bookshop
               combining business skills with social needs    34 Taipei 101
               By Amir A. Dossal
                                                              36 WISeKey
         24 Interview with                                          Geneva, World Security Capital!
               Mr. Guy Tozzoli
                                                              38 L'EQUATEUR,
         27 Nicolas Emilien
                                                                   Ce pays méconnu
               La fin de la survivance
                                                              40 Susan Sontag (1933-2004)
         28 Interview with
                                                              42 Booster sa créativité:
              Mr Espen Eckbo
                                                                    l'atelier d'écriture
         30 Michel Andrault & Nicolas Ayoub
                                                                   The Universal Forum of Cultures Barcelona 2004:
               architects & urban planners
                                                                    opportunities to learn from each other
         32 Interview
                                                              46 GENEVA
              Sandrine Crisafulli
                                                                    in the ice age
                                                                   Artist of the month
                                                                   Charles Hinman
                                                              49 WOODROW WILSON
                                                              50 Work or No Work:
                                                                   The moral and social teachings

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