Page 7 - DIVA_No.18_2005
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                was elected
                President of
                Georgia by an
                majority of the
                Georgian people
                on January 4,
                2004. Mr.
                Saakashvili is the                                ZURAB ZHVANIA -
                founder of the                                    currently serves as Georgia's
                National               served in his first term as   Prime Minister. Mr. Zhvania
                Movement, Georgia's largest   Chairman of the Committee on   was first elected to the
                political party. Prior to beco-  Legal Issues and the Rule of   Georgian parliament in 1992
                ming President, Mr.    Law. He has also served as   where he quickly established
                Saakashvili served as   Vice-President of the European   himself as one of Georgia's
                Chairman of the Tbilisi City   Parliamentary Assembly. Mr.   most able and competent poli-
                Assembly where he reinforced   Saakashvili graduated from the   tical leaders. In 1993 Mr.
                his reputation as an efficient   law faculty of Kyiv University,   Zhvania was elected Secretary
                administrator, committed to   before receiving a Masters   General of the Citizens Union   lowing attempts by the former
                fighting entrenched corruption.   Degree in Law from Columbia   party. After placing first in the   authorities to eliminate free-
                Prior to that Mr. Saakashvili   University in New York, a   1995 Parliamentary elections   dom of the press and media in
                served as Georgia's youngest-  Ph.D. from George   Mr. Zhvania was elected as   Georgia. Following his resi-
                ever Minister of Justice and   Washington University in   Chairman of the Georgian   gnation, Mr. Zhvania founded
                introduced a wide range of   Washington, D.C. and a   Parliament. In November 2001   the United Democrats political
                judicial reforms. Mr.   Diploma from the International   after being once again elected   party. Mr. Zhvania is the
                Saakashvili has twice won   Institute of Human Rights in   Parliamentary Chairman, Mr.   author of numerous scientific
                majoritarian elections to the   Strasbourg. Mr. Saakashvili is   Zhvania became the first popu-  articles and works on interna-
                Georgian Parliament, where he   37 years old.     larly elected high government   tional relations and holds a
                                                                  official in the former Soviet   degree in biology from Tbilisi
                                                                  Union to resign from a posi-  State University. Mr. Zhvania
                                                                  tion of national leadership, fol-   is 40 years old.
                NINO BURJANADZE -
                currently serves as a Speaker
                of the Georgian Parliament. In
                her tenure as Parliamentary
                                                                  SALOME ZURABISHVILI -
                Speaker, Ms. Buijanadze deve-
                loped a reputation for tough                      currently serves as Georgia's
                                                                  Foreign Minister. Prior to
                leadership and outspokenness
                against corruption and econo-                     becoming Minister of Foreign
                                                                  Affairs of Georgia, Ms.
                mic decline. Ms. Burjanadze
                has served as the Chairperson                     Zurabishvili served as
                                                                  Ambassador Extraordinary
                of the Committee on Foreign   Ph.D. at the Department of
                Relations of the Georgian   International Law at Moscow   and Plenipotentiary of France
                Parliament and prior to that, as   State University. Ms.   to Georgia. Born to a family
                the Chairperson of the   Burjanadze is a Professor of   that left Georgia in the 1920's
                Committee on Legal Affairs   Law at Tbilisi State University   after the Communist takeo-  of Political Sciences. In 1981
                and the Rule of Law. Ms.   and is the author of more than   ver, Ms. Zurabishvili was rai-  Ms. Zurabishvili graduated
                Buijanadze graduated from the   20 articles and books on legal   sed in France, where she got   from the National School of
                                                                  her education and served in   Public Administration. Ms.
                law faculty of Tbilisi State   issues and on international
                University before receiving her   relations.      different positions in the   Salome Zurabishvili is the
                                                                  Ministry of Foreign Affairs of   holder of the Order of the
                                                                  France. Before graduating   Legion of Honor of the
                                                                  from Columbia University,   French Republic and of the
                                                                  Ms. Zurabishvili obtained a   National Order of Merit of
                                                                  Diploma of the Paris Institute   the French Republic.

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