Page 11 - DIVA_No.18_2005
P. 11

                    OF EUROPE

                                                                    Council of Europe
                                                                                     Cosefi de rEttope

          Transport Corridor Europe-  Europe and Asia through   ments. Investment Council has
          Caucasus-Asia (TRACECA),   Georgia.                been created at the Prime
          strategic energy corridor and                      Minister's Office. The Ministry
          telecommunication 	                                of Economic Development has
                                    The cooperation on establis-
          This long-term project seeks to   hing reliable telecommunica-  created
          modernize and expand the                           Investment
                                    tion network in the region has
          transportation infrastructures-                    Promotion Agency, an integral
                                    already started. Construction of
          rail, road, air, sea--so that goods                part of which is a "One Stop
          can be shipped in higher volu-  fiber optic cable across the   Shop". The agency will provide
          mes, at less cost, and with grea-  Euro-Asian transport corridor   foreign and local investors with
          ter security. The TRACECA pro-  will facilitate the development   all the necessary information,
                                    of the 21st century infrastructu-
          ject also aims to harmonize local                  general and sector-specific
          customs rules, legislative regula-  re in South Caucasus region.   market analysis and advice;
                                    The Government of Georgia is
          tions, and planning. The EU, the
                                    undertaking a set of measures
          European 		                                        In order to facilitate contacts
                                    in order to improve the busi-
          Reconstruction 	                                   between Georgian and foreign
                                    ness environment in the coun-
          Development (EBRD), the TRA-                       investors and explain the eco-
          CECA partners, and other   try and male Georgia an attrac-  nomic reforms of international
          concerned countries are working   tive place to invest. The most   community, the Government of
          to make this vision a reality.   notable of these reforms is the   Georgia together with local
                                    above-mentioned Tax Code,   business has organized a num-
          Georgia is well placed to serve   which is taxpayer friendly,   ber of international business
          as one of the world's major cor-  much more simple than the pre-  forums in Georgia. The
          ridors for the shipment of oil   vious one and contributes to   Government plans to organize
          and gas. Several major interna-  creating much more favourable   similar business conferences
          tional oil companies are inves-  conditions for businessmen.   abroad. An international busi-
          ting heavily in projects to                        ness forum took place in
          extract oil and gas from   It is worth mentioning that the   London on 11th November
          Azerbaijan, Kazakhstan, and   Government has undertaken a   2004 and another forum is
          Turkmenistan. Much of that   number of institutional measu-  planned for Spring 2005 in
          gas and oil will be exported to   res aimed at facilitating invest-   New York.
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