Page 16 - DIVA_No.18_2005
P. 16
Prevention is better than cure: a most
Scores of experts are striving to
ensure that disaster reduction (i.e. Man of Banda
Aceh Region
the ensemble of models, policy and
strategies to reduce vulnerability and
manage risks in the face of natural
and other related hazards) is given a
higher ranking among recognised
priorities both internationally and
nationally. Despite this fervent dedi-
cation, it is taking an excessive
amount of time and efforts to move
the process forward,
Let us begin with a healthy assess-
ment of facts. Facts seem to indicate
that disaster reduction as such is not
(yet) a mainstream policy matter.
This is the case for the international
community; it is the case for the
United Nations (as an expression of
the same international community); 4-,
it is the same, at the national level, -- '-----4---.-
for still too many developed and
developing countries. The reasons
International agendas are conceived now concentrate on how disaster If the international community is
for this state of things are complex
in a way that is still risk-manage- reduction could become more cen- responsible for the failure to prioritise
and interdependent. They range ment polarised. Disaster reduction, tral to international policy but also disaster reduction appropriately,
from issues arising from understan- which in turn is based on the notion our day-to-day life. Some distinct national players bear the responsibili-
ding the essence and value of disas-
of vulnerability, has difficulty ente- thinking has consolidated over the ty of not considering it a national
ter reduction as a vulnerability cent- ring these agenda from the main recent past concerning the how... priority. This, more than anything
red approach to natural disasters, to door. It is always associated to them Two main schools of though exist: else, is the cause for the poor alloca-
the lack of proper strategies to link in an ill-suited series of assumptions (a) Those who pragmatically reco- tion of core resources (financial and
professional segments and societal regarding how relevant disaster gnise that disaster reduction is not human) that lies at the bottom of the
sectors for which disaster reduction reduction is to a certain Agenda. mainstream policy and therefore problem. There is one reason for this
has a direct or indirect bearing. Instead, some would say, no interna- suggest to incorporate disaster that is rarely considered. If one takes
tional Agenda pretending to be reduction initiatives and projects in a closer look, national key players are
Disaster reduction is a matter of consistent should do away with vul- those mainstream policy drives that not held politically responsible for
concern to humankind. It is a non- nerability aspects. THREE - Only do enjoy international and national failing to prevent disaster impacts,
controversial, apolitical subject by recently have national instances attention (this option corresponds to even those that are characterised by
nature and has the advantage of requi- begun to understand the positioning short return periods. In politics, nega-
portraying disaster reduction with
ring almost no political correctness of disaster reduction within their the clothes of currently fashionable tive incentives sometimes work better
additives for it to be endorsed by any national plans. Yet, policy makers than positive ones. It is not the lack of
sensible political leader. So what is and local leaders lend very little bac- international topics), and (b) Those legislated incentives to prevent that
who argue that we have to fight on to
missing in the recipe that prevents king to the issue and even less public undermines disaster reduction at
make disaster reduction one of these
these valid elements from gelling? display of commitment. There may mainstream policy issues because national level; it is rather the lack of
be understanding, even deep philoso- political accountability. Decision
self evidently this is the ranking that
Indeed some serious obstacles do phical sympathy, but political com- makers should work in a political
exist. ONE - Disaster reduction mitment is just not there. The reason the matter deserves. Political wis- environment that deters them from
does not currently hold a sufficient- is both objective and subjective: dis- dom would encourage adopting a ignoring disaster prevention.
ly high rank among fellow interna- aster reduction means prevention, mix of the two tactics, depending on
tional priorities: we are just begin- which is difficult to plan, costly when the audience (national or internatio- While the essence of risk is subjec-
ning to emerge from decades of improvised and above all invisible to nal), the context (industrialised low- tive, vulnerability behaves as a
humanitarian assistance-led interna- political analysts, commentators and, vulnerability country, or developing constant factor and it is generated as
tional politics. The humanitarian even worse, voters. On the subjective high-risk community, for example). societies evolve and develop. It is a
imperative (the sacrosanct precept side, one must recognise that human Roughly explained, risk is a degree function of development, a standard
of helping those in greater need) has beings are not programmed to pre- of uncertainty evaluated differently deviation of it. Despite arguments to
given way to an intricate system of vent, rather they react to external by each individual or social system. the contrary by many involved in
systems to provide aid, which has aggression or danger. If we praise Therefore disaster reduction cannot disaster reduction policy making,
generated a meta-system instrumen- prevention, even prevention itself, be perceived nor purveyed in the the answer to the problem resides in
tal to being prepared to provide aid. don't we do it on the heels of the same way in all societies, whether leveraging vulnerability, not risk. In
This is frequently mistaken as pre- latest powerful disaster? they are developing countries, econo- general people, and even experts,
mies in transition, industrialised,
paredness. in fact it is a stock-up, These being some of the reasons mies tend to take a fragmented view of
wait-and-see attitude. TWO - why facts stand as they do, let us mountainous and so on. risk and vulnerability and become
18 Diva 1.2005