Page 18 - DIVA_No.18_2005
P. 18

World Meteorological


                                       Weather • Climate • Water

                                          Working Together

                                          For a Safer World

                                         Reducing the Risk

                                                        of Natural

                                         Disasters Through

                                               Early Warnings

                                                                                                     Michel Jarraud
                                                                                               WMO Secretary General
                                                                                                    5 January 2005

                                     We are all grieved by the images                    caused by these hazards. It is
                                     of despair and suffering from   The international community has   WMO's ambition to halve the
                                     countries devastated by the tsuna-  launched the largest coordinated   number of deaths due to natural
                                     mi which hit south Asia on   efforts to bring most needed emer-  disasters of meteorological,
                                     December 26. Before this event,   gency response and relief to hard   hydrological and climatic origin
                                     2004 had already been marked as   hit Asian countries. As many   over the next 15 years.
                                     a very severe year for natural dis-  United Nations agencies are
                                     asters. Many countries worldwide   working at the front line to bring   A fundamental precondition for
                                     were inflicted with considerable   humanitarian relief to the region,   disaster preparedness is well-
                                     loss of life and socio-economic   we must accelerate our efforts to   functioning early warning systems
                                     impact as a result of natural haz-  learn from this experience and see   that deliver accurate information
                                     ards. These ranged from one of   how we can prevent such a disas-  dependably and in a timely man-
                                     the most severe tropical cyclone   ter in the future.   ner to the population at risk. It
                                     seasons in the Atlantic and the                     therefore must rely on:
                                      Pacific, to severe floods in east   While natural hazards may not be   (a)   Timely, reliable and
                                     and southeast Asia. However, the   avoided, integration of risk assess-  understandable forecasts of haz-
                                     Asian tsunami disaster's impact   ment and early warnings, with   ardous conditions;
                                     and devastation has reached an   prevention and mitigation meas-  (b)   Rapid, dependable, and
                                     exceptional level in terms of the   ures, can prevent them from   authoritative distribution system
                                     scale of human loss, associated   becoming natural disasters. That   for warnings to all interested par-
                                      damage, number of countries   means that we can take action to   ties;
                                      affected and related response and   reduce considerably the loss of   (c)   Prompt,
                                      recovery efforts.        life and socio-economic damage   response to warnings at the
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