Page 17 - DIVA_No.18_2005
P. 17

obvious statement, right? Wrong.

         unable to identify the central varia-  not seem to support the view that the   that community or social system.   level), a considerable degree of parti-
         bles of the equation linking the two.   poor worldwide are heading toward   Proceeding from here one can draw a   cipation from and partnership with
         Some views focus mainly on the   better protection against hazards.   risk management plan. The plan must   civil society is necessary, and indeed
         international dimension of the pro-                change as vulnerability evolves. This,   desirable. In particular we have not
         blem, which implies a prime role by   Aside from these political considera-  and not risk avoidance, is at the basis   deepened enough the analysis of how
         states and the United Nations sys-  tions, which do remain of paramount   of resilience.   pertinent and related disaster reduc-
         tem, while many others tend to iden-  importance, only a shift in mental   Many experts are becoming impatient   tion is in the daily lives of the people
         tify with the problems individuals   attitude can generate the appropriate   with the time is taking to walk the   in the communities that we say are
         have to face every day in their com-  critical mass required to take action   bridge linking (rather than separating)   the ultimate focus of our efforts.
         munities. Others emphasise the   at domestic as well as international   concepts and action. This is a good
         regional dimension of both the issue   levels. This has to happen one way   sign; it is healthy frustration. It means   The wide range of scientific and tech-
         and its possible solutions. This is not   or the other if we are to become   that they feel comfortable with the set   nical tools we command nowadays
         surprising, but it is yet another indi-  more successful.   of models and principles elaborated so   should be used more to study the next
         cator of how little policy develop-  Commitment and resources have   far. In the well known (but seldom   threat that we will have to face, rather
         ment there has been in the field of   to be redistributed from reaction   used in organizations' life) logical   that dissecting the latest disaster. By
         disaster reduction so far. Instead, it is   measures to proactive investment in   sequence of know, understand, reflect,   looking back we may not see new
         high time to take a much broader   more balanced system in which pre-  take action, we have come mid way.   forms of hazards and interrelation
         view of risk and vulnerability and   vention is the rule and emergency   We know WHAT has to be done; we   between them coming our way, pos-
         realise how determinant a factor this   management is its necessary (indis-  are increasingly sure of HOW to do it   sibly in a not so distant future. In
         is for states, communities and indivi-  pensable) corollary.   We are now facing the task of gathe-  some critical and fast-moving techni-
         duals. It is time to define parameters   Attention and studies have to migra-  ring the energy and the consensus to   cal areas like remote sensing and GIS
         to study how delaying prevention   te from hazards to the vulnerability of   just do it. This calls for a series of   we should move past the cartogra-
         can provoke progressive impove-  people and the built environment to   efforts than may appear simpler than   phic standards developed to serve the
         rishment in developing countries -   them. Investigating hazards better car-  they are in reality. But we have come   emergency management circuit. We
         not just make sustainable develop-  ries limited marginal gains in terms of   way closer to the point when it will be   should evaluate, recognize and bring
         ment more difficult to achieve.   reducing actual risk and has not gene-  difficult to find a valid excuse for   to bear the potential satellite applica-
                                   rated a satisfactory prevention divi-  omitting to factor vulnerability aspects   tions have for assessing vulnerability
         Take the UN Millennium Goals, for   dend for the society.   and prevention models into develop-  and help planners to analyse and
         instance. Here again it is not a ques-  Preparedness, the fulcrum of cur-  ment projects and internationally fun-  manage risk. We should support
         tion of how relevant disaster reduc-  rently accepted disaster management   ded capacity building initiatives.   international efforts to develop and
         tion is to this or that goal. Rather, and   models, must shift from preparedness   merge hedge technology in this area.
         in all honestly, most of the Goals   to respond quicker to preparedness to   This will require involvement from a   These techniques will allow for inte-
         may not achievable under the current   avoid impact and readiness to   large number of sectors because of   grated monitoring and reporting on
         mix of risk prevention and emergen-  respond when needed. Here again it   the typical horizontal nature of dis-  risk reduction practices. Without
         cy response. Analysts have discove-  is a question of marginal utility:   aster prevention and the need to ela-  such monitoring no guidance, eva-
         red that disaster response as we   increasing the weapons to respond   borate integrated solutions to each   luation and further progress will ever
         know it might erode over time a   does not curb risk and leaves vulne-  problem. Therefore instead of speci-  be possible. After all we could spot
         nation's capacity to absorb the   rability almost unaffected.   fic actions, programmes should add-  water on Mars. We might just as well
         impact of disasters. This is some-  Development activities, especially in   ress a action fronts iv. Some a fronts   invest something more in observing
         thing we ought to investigate more   the context of development assistance,   a should be targeted before others.   our own planet.
         thoroughly. In yet another case, vul-  are the greatest generator of exposure   Education and national legislation,
         nerability to disasters carries more   to hazards for communities worldwi-  for example, are two indispensable   Not so long ago, disasters were
         weight than generally thought in the   de. Arguing that disaster prevention is   pillars, each for specific reasons that   considered as acts of god even in
         area of social conflict. Because of its   a component of long-term develop-  are not difficult to understand. A set   legal and insurance practices. Within
         deeply rooted link with poverty, vul-  ment is not enough: it is development,   of national laws envisaging preven-  that logic one could argue that the
         nerability to hazards is a potent des-  in its responsible and well-planned   tion as such is not only a clear indi-  best prevention is ... a luck iv. The
         tabilising agent when added to situa-  version that must become also an   cator of correct understanding and   problem with being lucky is that one
         tions like civil unrest, extreme pover-  instrument for prevention. Societies   prioritisation, it is also the condicio   cannot be lucky every single day...
         ty and conflict The number of peo-  should prevent as they develop.   sine qua non of actual widespread   If one's community is vulnerable to
         ple displaced by conflict is still sligh-  I Risk management models current-  implementation at national level.   hazards that do exist in that area, then
         tly less than those displaced by   ly employed in national planning are   Similarly to prevention in public   a disaster is only a matter of time, not
         hazards, especially drought. We are   in most cases three decades old: they   health, disaster prevention cannot be   of good or back luck.
         talking in the tens of millions. Yet   target risk as a combination of factors   achieved through bottom-up dyna-  Francesco Pisano
         the latter are far and out from the   equated in a way generally useful   mics alone. It is not sufficient to   Geneva
         spotlight If one were to push this   only for risk avoidance schemes.   know one's vulnerability and how to   The author has worked for the
         thinking even further, one might   These models are ineffective in high-  remedy for it to happen. Clear, enfor-  United Nations for 12 years in the
         come to question current develop-  risk, low-development scenarios.   ced and monitored laws are necessa-  area of humanitarian affairs and
         ment models as elements of additio-  Here the pivot of the equation is vul-  ry. And they must carry sanctions   disaster prevention. Presently he
         nal exposure of the poor to additional   nerability of people and things to a set   against violations. Yet, because of its   works for UNITAR in a program-
         hazards instead of the opposite goal   of hazards. Once this factor has been   multidisciplinary essence and becau-  me dedicated to the use of space
         for which they are elaborated and   weighted properly one can determine   se prevention begins where vulnera-  applications for humanitarian
         funded. Be it as it may, statistics do   the level of risk that is acceptable to   bility is generated (i.e. at individual   relief and disaster management.

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