Page 14 - DIVA_No.18_2005
P. 14

i                          INTERVIEW WITH MARCEL A. BOISARD
                                        UNITED NATIONS ASSISTANT


                                        AND EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR OF UNITAR

                                      Until recently, Marcel Boisard was   many articles on the subject.   Secretary-General, I present my
                                      the highest-ranking Swiss national   Finally, he became the UN   report to the Board of Trustees, the
                                      in the United Nations System. His   Assistant Secretary-General and   members of which have been
                                      list of merits is long. Let us briefly   Executive Director of UNITAR,   appointed by the SG. I also submit
                                      state that he started his career in the   which organizes annually more   a Report of Activities to the
                                      ICRC, having just completed his   than  150  workshops or seminars   General Assembly on a biennial
                                      studies at the prestigious Graduate   benefiting more than 7,600 partici-  basis. So, it is rather a unique case
                                      Institute of International Studies   pants, mainly from developing   within the UN system. The UN
                                      (HEI) in Geneva. There followed                    University and UNITAR are the
                                                               countries and countries in transi-
                                      studies in the United States and                   only two bodies to have this special
                                      Germany, and more than fifteen                     autonomy.
                                      years as a delegate in the Middle                  UNITAR does not receive funds
                                                               Q: What is UNITAR?
                                      East serving in areas of discord,                  from the regular budget of the
                                      such as those in Algeria and                       United Nations. Financial support
                                      Yemen, and the Israeli-Arab   MB: UNITAR is an autonomous   is entirely by way of voluntary
                                      conflict. He then became an advi-  body within the United Nations.   contributions from governments,
                                      sor for the Swiss Government in   This implies that we do not depend   agencies, foundations and indivi-
                                      Africa before taking up a more aca-  directly on the Secretary-General   dual donors. This obliges us to be
                                      demic career at HEI, where he   as such, but have a mandate from   inventive, and to respect our enga-
                                      became a highly respected expert   the UN. UNITAR is an indepen-  gements
                                      on the Arab and Islamic region,   dent institute. Although, for instan-  Altogether, we are quite satisfied.
                                      having written several books and   ce, I was appointed by the   However, it is always a struggle

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