Page 20 - DIVA_No.18_2005
P. 20

Leadership for Good: combining

            business skills with social needs

            By Amir A. Dossal Executive

            Director, United Nations Fund for

            International Partnerships

                                                 opportunities for partners to align   munications technology t( enhance
                                                 socially responsible activities with   the effectiveness of UN pr ects and
                                                 UN goals: advocacy, cooperation on   also hopes to encourage
                                                 • the ground, and strategic partnerships   employees and 133 million .tstomers
                                                 (leveraging each partners' strengths).   to become personally in )lved in
                                                 It is ideas, not money, which will   awareness programs and f idraising
                                                 bring successful cooperation.   efforts over the five-year pr gram.
                                                 Examples of innovative partnerships   Coca-Cola Africa is a majol upporter
                                                 UNFIP facilitated include:
                                                                             of HIV/AIDS Prevention ( mpaigns
                      Corporate America, by engaging in                      through partnership with NAIDS,
                      public private partnerships, is sho-  The Citigroup Private Bank in part-  UNICEF and the Nigerian
                      wing how good business and good   nership with UNDP and UNFIP   Government. Their in-kin support,
                                                 brought a dozen of the bank's clients
                      philanthropy can sit at the same boar-                 focuses on social awarenn through
                      droom table. Such partnerships conti-  to Mozambique and South Africa in   the production and distri Lition of
                      nue to grow in importance in a world   April 2004 to explore opportunities to   information, education and )mmurn-
                      where traditional boundaries between   support UN projects. Thirteen pro-  cation materials; use of illboards
                      business versus social responsibilities   jects sites were visited and specific   strategically located around he coun-
                      are increasingly blurred, and where   follow up includes support by the   try and placement of adve isements
                      problems such as AIDS and climate   Citigroup Foundation for projects in   and jingles in the press, mdi and tele-
                      change extend beyond national boun-  Mozambique and increased initiati-  vision. The company has al dedica-
                                                 ves for micro-credit projects. In addi-
                      daries. Hence there is great benefit in                ted their refrigerated trucl so that
                                                 tion, the Citigroup Foundation's
                      bringing the strategic strengths of                    large quantities of polio vac ne could
                      disparate organizations together to   President was a panelist discussing   be transported to remote vil ges.
                      address common goals.      the importance of the Millennium
                                                 Development Goals at the European
                                                 Foundation Centre's annual confe-  0. What can industry le ers do?
                      In recent years the UN has increased
                      its efforts to foster partnerships. The   rence in Athens this June, and the UN   Partnering with the UN  tt  alleviate
                                                 is exploring how best to utilize
                      UN Fund for International                              complex social problems such as
                                                 Citigroup's leadership in employee
                      Partnerships (UNFIP) was established                   poverty, exploitation, hun n rights
                      in 1998 after Ted Turner announced   volunteerism.     abuses and the spread of di ases has
                      his gift of $1 billion to support UN                   many advantages. Partner with the
                      causes the year before. Turner set up   The Vodafone Group Foundation, the   UN can:
                      a public charity called the United   UN and the UN Foundation announ-  - build capacity in emer ing mar-
                                                 ced in June a five-year partnership
                      Nations Foundation (UNF) to admi-                      kets,
                      nister this gift. UNFIP works with   agreement worth $27.4 million to   - help promote political st nlity and
                      Turner's UN Foundation to hand and   vaccinate 200 million children in sub-  good governance,
                      develop programmes and to build new   Saharan Africa against measles by   - battle corruption and hui an rights
                      partnerships for the UN. The success   the end of 2005; the World Heritage   abuses,
                      of this partnership has spurred a mul-  program of the United Nations   - encourage innovation rnd new
                                                 Educational, Scientific and Cultural
                      tiplier effect that has attracted and fos-             ways of thinking,
                                                 organization (UNESCO), which
                      tered additional partnerships.                          - improve health, educ Lion, the
                                                 seeks to protect the world's most
                                                                             environment and social we being.
                                                 valued places such as the Galapagos
                      In the past, public private partners-  Islands and Mount Kenya National
                      hips often meant: you give us your   Park in Africa; and the global
                      money and we'll spend it. Today,   HIV/AIDS pandemic.
                      partnership means truly working
                      together - sharing intellectual and   The partnership aims to share kno-
                      financial resources and benefiting   wledge and expertise to create the
                      from each other's comparative   maximum positive impact. Vodafone
                      advantage. There are three levels of   will seek ways to use its mobile com-
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