Page 23 - DIVA_No.18_2005
P. 23

York at the time. The idea was   accounted for 2.7% of gross
          'we need to have some great   national product of the United
          project in lower Manhattan that   States. When it came to interna-
          would become the anchor of the   tional trade, we were really an
          renovation of that area'. David   isolated country. Today, interna-
          Rockefeller went to see his   tional business and servicing
          brother because the Port   international business accounts
          Authority of New York and New   for 22.7% of our gross national
          Jersey has the responsibility of   product. What that means is that
          the twenty-five-mile circle   one job in five in this country has
          around the Statue of Liberty.   been created because of interna-
          And one of the things it does is   tional business. Of course, if you
          promote commerce for the two   look at the world, and you go to
          states and the Port of New York   countries in the Far East these
          and New Jersey.          figures might be as high as 90 or
                                   even 95%. However, for us this
           They gave me the job in   is already a big thing, and I think
          February 1962. They had done   that we are one of the biggest   two wars I had served in (the   root, and the World Trade
          some studies in 1960, but those   importers in the world."   Second World War and the   Centres Association (WTCA)
          studies and visions were for a                    Korean War). All of a sudden I   was set up in 1970. "I started
          much smaller project than the   0: How were you going to fill   was talking to people in the ship-  with fifteen people from fifteen
          project I put together. In order   up your buildings?   ping business that had been our   cities and seven countries," Mr
          for the Port of New York and                      enemies, and I began to realise   Tozzoli says proudly.
          New Jersey to make any deci-  "I had 10 million square feet to   that there was more to this world
          sions, legislation had to be the   be filled and I had to think about   trade business. Suppose I could   "The first General Assembly of
          same in the two states. So they   how I could promote this new   create an entity that was non-  the Association was held in
          voted legislation authorizing the   concept of the World Trade   political, not-for-profit and, if I   Tokyo. The Second World War
          building of this World Trade   Centre. So the first thing I did   trade with you, the first thing I do   was finished, and I wanted to
          Centre in downtown Manhattan.   was start spreading the 'gospel'   is I learn a little more about your   promote the business of peace
          In January 1964, the Readers'   about the World Trade Centre   culture. And then I do not want   and stability. Japan was no
          Digest called the plans for the   movement around the world. I   to fight you because you and I do   longer our enemy. In the World
          World Trade Centre, 'the largest   decided that the first place I   business together. It was a very   Trade Centres Association we do
          building project since the   should go to tell people about it   practical way of looking at it. But   not compete with one another—
          Egyptian Pyramids'. That plan   and to bring my model was to   to me world trade business was   we help each another. I was
          was announced in January   Norway, and then to the other   the embodiment of peace and sta-  elected President of the associa-
          1964—by me as the director of   Scandinavian countries.'   bility through trade, which   tion. Ten years later, the USSR,
          the project and, of course, by the                became the model for the new   China and the United States
          Governors of the two states as   0. Why Norway?   association I started in 1970."   were all members of the
          the project belonged to them. It                                           Association, and this despite the
          was also known as a public proj-  "I had worked for the Port   The World Trade Centres   political context at the time.
          ect, meaning that it was partly   Authority for quite a long time,   Association concept consists, in   Today, we have more than 277
          under the states of New York   and at a certain time I was in   fact, of two simple ideas: first,   members in our association in
          and New Jersey via the Port   charge of the construction of   promote the World Trade Centre   about 78 countries, and we serv-
          Authority in order to promote   ports, so all the people I knew   concept around the world; and   ice more than 750,000 interna-
          commerce, and to encourage   were in shipping. So I went off   second encourage reciprocal   tional companies. We have so
          international trade, in particular   to Norway. I gave them a lecture   programmes from one World   many because there are some
          in the port."            about the World Trade Centre in   Trade Centre to another. These   members like Taiwan that alone
                                   New York. People came to hear   programmes could include such   has more than 120 000 compa-
          "It was required under a state   about this new concept. This was   things as trade missions, educa-  nies served by the World Trade
          rule that 75% of a company's   the beginning of promoting the   tional programmes and advances   Centre in Taipei. There are
          business had to be international   World Trade Centre."   in communications. Guy Tozzoli   almost 70,000 or 80,000 compa-
          or servicing international, or I   "As I was travelling around the   puts it this way: "If you need   nies served by World Trade
          could not rent out the premises."   world I got this rather simple   information about New York   Centres in Seoul alone."
                                   idea."                   and my World Trade Centre is in
          0: What about international                       New York, you would come to   "We have World Trade Centres
          trade at that time?      "People in international business   me. If I need information about   in Ramallah and Israel; we have
                                   needed information to increase   your area, wherever it might be,   one Kabul; there's even one in
           When I starting studying what   their business. There was some-  I come to you and your World   North Korea. Our organization is
          to do, international trade    thing else I had learned from the   Trade Centre. The idea took   not political. We are promoting

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