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                   of  glaciation  degradation  persist,  numerous
                   small  glaciers  will  completely  disappear  from
                   the  country  in  the  next  30-40  years.  The
                   degradation  of  glaciation  might  significantly
                   affect the water regime of rivers in particular. It
                   is of particular importance to note that glaciers
                   and  snow  inventories  are  the  primary  sources
                   of  irrigation  water  not  only  in  Tajikistan  but
                   throughout  Central  Asia.  Furthermore,  the
                   anticipated rise in the maximum and minimum
                   daily temperatures will result in an increase in
                   potential  evapotranspiration,  which  is  likely
                   to lead to an increase in annual rainfall, and a
                   decrease in snowfall. The annual river flows are
                   likely to rise, which will increase the frequency
                   of extreme flood events. This will have an impact
                   on  the  gradual  shift  in  the  river  flow  seasonal
                   distribution,  with  high  flows  occurring  earlier
                   in the  year  due  to early ice  melting  caused by   The  world  community  welcomed  in  a  timely
                   higher temperatures.                   fashion  the  initiatives  of  my  Head  of  State  to
                                                          preserve glaciers and eliminate water shortages
                   It  should  be  noted  that  the  intensive  melting   and thereby warning humanity about significant
                   of snowfields and glaciers in the country poses   changes in the nature.
                   new and complex tasks. It was also caused to a
                   certain extent by the drying up of the Aral Sea.   The United Nations General Assembly Resolution
                   Annually thousands of tonnes of dust and salt,   on declaration of 2025 as the International Year
                   lifted by strong winds from the dried bottom of   of Glaciers’ Preservation adopted on December
                   the Aral Sea into the atmosphere, spread to large   14,  2022  at  the  initiative  of  the  President  of
                   areas. Experts estimate that some of these salts   the  Republic  of  Tajikistan  is  very  important
                   are settles on the Pamir and Tien Shan glaciers,   to  address  water  and  climate  related  issues.
                   contributing to their active melting.  Through  this  Resolution,  the  United  Nations
                                                          declared both the International Year for Glaciers’
                   Do you have a recipe for other glaciers, on how   Preservation and World Day of Glaciers, which
                   to  save  them?  What  kind  of  step/initiative  is   is  one  of  the  most  important  achievements  of
                   Tajikistan taking?                     Tajikistan’s foreign policy. In addition, in 2025,
                   It  is  important  to  consider  the  significance  of   Dushanbe  is  scheduled  to  host  a  high-level
                   glaciers as a main source of water to supply the   international conference on the preservation of
                   planet’s population. The accelerated melting of   glaciers, which testifies the special position and
                   glaciers is one of the most alarming global issues   leadership of Tajikistan in the field of water and
                   entailing negative consequences, and this critical   climate.
                   issue should be in the special focus of the world
                   community.                             The   mentioned   resolution   also   invites
                                                          governments,   international   organizations,
                   In  this  regard,  we  have  established  the  Centre   development partners, and donors to contribute
                   for  Glacier  Research  under  the  Tajik  National   to  the  Trust  Fund  in  support  of  activities  for
                   Academy  of  Sciences  and  my  President,  H.E.   glaciers’ preservation to be coordinated by the
                   Emomali Rahmon (on 18 March 2021) speaking   UN  Secretary-General  in  partnership  with
                   at  the  opening  of  the  High-Level  Meeting  to   relevant agencies of the United Nations system.
                   promote  the  implementation  of  the  water-  The primary objective of the fund is to encourage
                   related  goals  and  targets  of  2030  proposed  to   the support of countries for a prompt response
                   declare 2025 as the International Year of Glaciers’   to  the  accelerated  melting  of  glaciers  and  its
                   Preservation.                          consequences.  I  would  like  also  to  emphasize

                   w w w. d i va i n t e r n at i o n a l . c h
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