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                                                                          country’s  public  and  international  policy  on  the
                                                                          preservation of glaciers.

                                                                          It is also important to emphasize that the adoption
                                                                          of  the  resolution  on  the  declaration  2025  the
                                                                          “International  Year  of  Glaciers’  Preservation”
                                                                          attracts  the  attention  of  the  scientific  and
                                                                          research  community  of  European  countries.
                                                                          This is due to consequences of the rapid melting
                                                                          of glaciers, which led scientists and glaciologists
                                                                          to seek joint cooperation in order to study this
                                                                          process. Such expeditions on the monitoring of
                                   that Tajikistan, as an initiator, has already made   glaciers have been carried out in the Pamir.
                                   its  contribution  to  the  aforementioned  Trust   Particularly,  I  would  like  to  mention  that  this
                                   Fund and look forward to contributions of other   topic was discussed on June 1, 2023 during the
                                   countries and development partners.    meeting of the Minister of Foreign Affairs of the
                                                                          Republic of Tajikistan Sirojiddin Muhriddin with
                                   The International Year of Glaciers’ Preservation   scientists and glaciologists of renowned scientific
                                   highlights the linkage between glacier melt, the   research  institutes  of  the  Swiss  Confederation,
                                   impact of climate change and modifications in   who intend to conduct a comprehensive study
                                   the  hydrological  natural  cycle,  which  was  also   of the processes and factors influencing glacier
                                   indicated in the "Our Common Agenda" of UN   melting  and  to  assess  the  potential  impact  of
                                   Secretary-General Antonio Guterres.    these undesirable phenomena on the example of
                                                                          glaciers of Tajikistan.
                                   Tajikistan is convinced that this initiative would
                                   give impetus for a new global movement to take   In  connection  with  the  celebration  of  the
                                   the  necessary  collective  action  and  to  protect   International  Year  of  Glaciers’  Preservation
                                   glaciers from intense melting and disappearance.   in  2025  and  Tajikistan’s  preparations  for  the
                                   Additionally, this initiative organically fits into   International  Conference  on  Glaciers,  we
                                   the mainstream of the measures currently taken   consider  the  actions  of  Swiss  glaciologists  and
                                   by the world community within the framework   their research results important. In this context,
                                   of  the  Paris  Agreement.  Besides  we  believe   along with the countless mechanisms associated
                                   that the UN Water Action Decade (2018-2028)   with the response to climate change, it is necessary
                                   provides an excellent platform and plays a key   to  implement  similar  tools  and  adequate
                                   role  in  integrating  water  and  climate  issues,   approaches to prevent the accelerated melting of
                                   contributing to their comprehensive solution to   glaciers and its adverse consequences.
                                   achieve sustainable development.
                                                                          In conclusion,  it is my privilege to express our
                                   Moreover,  I  would  like  to  note  that  Tajikistan   gratitude  to  all  UN  Member  States,  UN  and
                                   has  adopted  a  Law  on  Glaciers’  Preservation   other  international  and  regional  organizations
                                   which  is  a  unique  in  its  kind  and  it  had  been   that supported our initiative and reiterate that
                                   developed  as  part  of  the  President’s  broader   we are ready to cooperate with all countries and
                                   initiatives on climate change and in response to   international organizations to fulfil the mandate
                                   the aforementioned resolution.         of the resolution, as well we invite all parties to
                                                                          actively  participate  in  preparatory  meetings  as
                                   The law defines the legal, economic and institutional   the  Dushanbe  Water  Process  with  the  aim  of
                                   frameworks  for  the  preservation  of  glaciers  as   making  the  Conference  Dedicated  to  Glaciers’                     MON VOYAGE AU
                                   environmental objects and strategic sources of water   Preservation a success.                            •
                                   resources.  Likewise,  the  law  also  regulates  public
                                   relations  in  conducting  educational  and  research                                                       DOMAINE DE VALMOURIANE
                                   activities,  monitoring  and  preservation  of  glaciers,
                                   as  well  as  the  implementation  of  measures  of  the

                                                             Ramos Horta
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