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                                              Pictures  and  Words.  Pictures  vs   deplored  what  he  saw  as  muddle
                                              Words?                          creeping in, as our thinking and self-
                                                                              expression  floated  in  a  rising  tide  of
                                              Invited  to  the  launch  of  a  major  art   ever  more  abundant  but  ever  more
                                              exhibit  (When  We  See  Us)  at  the   superficial images.
                                              Basel  Kunstmuseum’s  Gegenwart,  I
                                              am at a loss for words before such an   The American political analyst Patrick
                                              abundance of extraordinary imagery.  Lawrence,  for  his  part,  regularly
                                                                              deplores  an  undeniable  decline  in
                                              This is not the first time I have found   public discourse, especially among the
                                              myself wondering why, if a major point   “political classes”, who rarely rise above
                                              of  focus  since  early  adolescence  has   campaign slogans and platitudes. Not
                                              been writing, it is so difficult to come   surprisingly, they are strong on “photo
                                              to terms with – and to convey to the   opportunities”  –  the  flood  of  images
                                              reader – something of the wonder that   that Forster deplored.
                                              the imagery inspires.
                                                                              To  rise  above  the  superficial,  most
                                              Since  we  live  in  an  over-imaged   images need good words. And words,
                                              society,  so  to  speak,  we  are  easily   to  be  good,  must  have  context,  the
                                              (automatically?) drawn to imagery of   syntax and structures that frame them
                                              all sorts, and especially to displays of   and  give  them  nuance,  subtlety  and
                                              this caliber. But this gravitational pull   depth.  This  is  where  the  challenge
                                              diminishes fast when it comes to trying   arises in an over-imaged society.
                                              to  render  the  experience  into  words.
                                              The temptation is strong to forgo the   In  editing  interviews  for  Diva,  I
                                              effort  –  unless  it  can  be  compressed   have  often  noticed  the  interviewee
                                              into a telegraph-style text, dispatched   struggling  to  find  the  right  words  to
                                              more often than not accompanied by   answer a question. The effort, however
                                              of an emoji or two or three.    awkward it may seem, almost always
                                                                              bears  fruit,  and  the  resulting  clarity
                                              Yet, whatever the hold of imagery on   gives  a  glimpse  into  the  person  that
                                              our lives and our thinking, it cannot   enhances  the  portrait  –  in  words!
                                              replace  the  power  of  words,  which   – that the interview is creating.
                                              remains  great  –  if  we  only  mobilize
                                              it.  For  in  recurring  to  words,  we  are   Let  us  beware  of  being  numbed  by
                                              forced  to  clarify  our  thinking.  But   the  flux  of  images  swirling  around
                                              that clarity of thought has long been   us,  especially  when  they  threaten  to
                                              waning  in  our  image-oriented  world   drown us. However shallow, they play
                                              even as we have needed it more than   a role in our societies and are not about
                                              ever to make sense of at least some of   to  go  away.  But  when  they  strike  us
                                              what we being exposed to.       particularly, let us pause to reflect on
                                                                              why they attract us, move us, fascinate
                                              Already  a  hundred  years  ago,  the   us  –  then  sharpen  our  reflections  by
                                              English novelist E.M. Forster, watching   fashioning them into words.
                                              the  proliferation  of  photography,   RJP

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