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Un lieu
 qui vous

               maturation  methods.  These  are  generally  excellent;
               thanks to the quality of the local milk, they are rich
               in texture and soft and melting in the mouth, with a
               symphony  of  flavours  because  of  the  rich  variety  of
               herbs and plants in the area where the cow is queen.

               Landsgemeinde: There are many other traditions and
 Dormir  Travailler
               events that go back for generations, but one of them,
 Un coliving,  Un espace de coworking,
 un espace de partage  des bureaux privatifs,   the  Landsgemeinde (open-air parliament), we need to
 & une ludothèque  des salles de réunion &   describe in detail. We were deeply impressed by the
 des loges téléphoniques  square and monument where the open-air assembly
               meets for real direct democracy. This used to be the
               tradition  in  several  other  Cantons  but  now  only
               remains in Appenzell Innerhoden and Glarus.
               “S  Woot  Ischt  Frei…»  The  Word  is  Free...”    The
               Landsgeneinde has taken place every year since 1403,
               on  the  last  Sunday  in  April.  After  a  special  ritual
               service,  all  the  village  inhabitants  assemble  in  the
 Manger & Boire  Divertir  square. Those eligible to vote can carry their swords
               on this day. Before voting on local government issues,
 Un Café, une Guinguette  Un espace de jeux, une zone
 & un Carnotzet  de rencontres, d’échanges   members of the Standeskommission and the cantonal
 & des ateliers interactifs
               court are elected, and every four years elections take
               place for the Ständerat (upper chamber).

               The  government  gives  an  account  of  its  activities.
               During this, each voter has the opportunity to come
               onto the podium and argue for or against an issue, put
 COLLEX˙       The Landammann invites participation with the words:
               forward a suggestion or submit an individual initiative.

               “S Woot ischt frei” (the word is free). Everybody can
               speak freely, men and women, though the latter have
               only been allowed to speak and vote since 1990; this
               was  the  last  Swiss  Canton  to  give  women  the  vote.
               After the discussions, voting is carried out openly by
               show of hand. Everybody knows each other and can
 BOSSY         Arguments  might  be  made  for  secret  ballots,  but
               see how everyone votes.

               the Appenzellers say they do not need it; they bring
               their swords and vote openly and transparently. This
               message of freedom, openness and pride is represented
               by the impressive monument: a large statue showing
               a  man  with  a  sword  raising  his  hand  to  vote.  This
               powerful symbol shows why people want to preserve
               this  tradition:  it  is  their  history,  the  force  that  gives
 Un lieu qui suit votre   them equality and freedom, makes them powerful and
               responsible. It shows that this is the heritage for future
 rythme de vie, vos   Appenzellers, one of direct democracy, transparency
 évolutions professionnelles   and  openness.  For  us,  this  was  something  far
               stronger and overwhelming in its force than even the  et personnelles.   breathtaking National Geographic cover.              •

               w w w. d i va i n t e r n at i o n a l . c h
 VOISINS DE COLLEX-BOSSY - Route de L’Etraz 3 - 1239 Collex-Bossy - +41(0) 22 735 24 24 -

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