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Stefan Slater and David Macfadyen
                                                the Political Cartoons of

                                                Derso and kelen: Years of

                                                Hope and Despair

                                                London: Lund Humphries, 2023

                                                interview with Stefan Slater

                                                and David macfadyen

                      DIVA:  You  are  both  medical  doctors,  how  did  you  get  Kelen. Could you please tell us a little how it all
                      interested in political cartoons               came about?
                      David: Older DIVA readers may recall seeing, as I did, Derso  David:  In  the  Spring  of  2019,  my  wife  was
                      and Kelen’s caricatures of politicians of the inter-war years  exhibiting at an arts, crafts & collectors exhibition
                      in the Brasserie Bavaria in rue du Rhône. Later in my WHO  in  Edinburgh,  an  annual  event  organised
                      career, on visits to the Palais des Nations, I saw in the Bar de  by  Stefan,  who  was  showing  a  collection  of
                      la Presse menu cards that the two artists produced annually  illustrated books of the inter-war era. I strolled
                      for the International Association of Journalists Accredited  over to Stefan, whom I was meeting for the first
                      to the League of Nations. After retiring back to Scotland,  time, and asked, ‘Do you, by chance, have any
                      the descendants of Sir Eric Drummond, the League’s first  cartoons by Derso and Kelen?’ He was probably
                      Secretary-General,  kindly  allowed  me  to  access  family  the  only  person  in  the  United  Kingdom  who
                      papers for a book that my co-authors and I subsequently  could respond, ‘Well, yes’. A few days later, he
                      published on  Eric Drummond and his Legacies: The League  showed me four Derso & Kelen portfolios.
                      of Nations and the Beginnings of Global Governance. These
                      contained an unpublished cartoon of Derso and Kelen.  Stefan:  After  meeting  David  and  after  his  co-
                                                                     authored book, Eric Drummond and his Legacies
                      Stefan:  I  have  been  collecting  books  for  nearly  50-years,  was published in late 2019, he drew my attention
                      for  many  years  focussing  on  the  literature,  poetry  and  to an international conference on the League the
                      especially  the  avant-garde  art  generated  by  both  world  following year. We presented a paper, ‘Visualising
                      wars.  What  particularly  intrigues  me  is  the  work  of  the  the  League  of  Nations’,  showing  and  analysing
                      cartoonists and caricaturists on both sides of the conflicts,  the work of various cartoonists, including Derso
                      their  graphic  art  reflecting  something  of  the  differences  and  Kelen.  This  was  subsequently  published  in
                      in national character as they used their skills in political  early  2021  in  the  UK  art  quarterly,  Illustration.
                      comment and in war propaganda. In the course of collecting  However, there was so much more we wanted to
                      this material, I became interested in political cartoons in  say and to show about Derso and Kelen that we
                      general, especially in the insight and foresight that many  decided we should write an illustrated book about
                      cartoonists of the interwar years revealed about a possible  them. Very little had previously been published
                      further world war. Then, since 15-years ago, after coming  on  them  despite  the  international  reputation
                      across Emery Kelen’s superb autobiography, Peace in Their  they had in their day, with the notable exception,
                      Time: Men Who Led Us In and Out of War, 1914-1945, about  Marit, of their inclusion in your own book on the
                      those interwar years and the activities and personalities of  League, which we quote on pages 15 & 129, and
                      League of Nations, I have been collecting everything I can  one chapter in a 1932 book on caricaturists.
                      find by or on Kelen and his artistic partner, Alois Derso.
                                                                     DIVA: The book is well documented and richly
                      DIVA:  You  have  written  a  beautiful  illustrated  and  illustrated with the cartoons. How did you find
                      interesting book about two political cartoonists, Derso and  all these cartoons?

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