Page 10 - DIVA_2_2019
P. 10

i n t e r n a t i o n a l                                                                                                                                                                               i n t e r n a t i o n a l

            are now enforcing bans on single-                                    MF: The COPs sound interesting.                       « Multilateralism is under pressure
            use plastic bags, such as Kenya, or                                  What else apart from marine
            be it the many countries which                                       plastic waste is on the agenda?
            are collectively throwing human                                      RP: Both the Rotterdam and                                                         but is definitely not dead! »
            and  financial  resources  into                                      Stockholm conventions will also
            international  processes  aiming                                     work on the possible listing of
            at tackling this global problem                                      more chemicals either for further
            in a coordinated and connected                                       controls or outright restriction.
            manner. But there is more that can                                   This is done through a robust
            be done, and I am confident more                                     scientific review process. They
            would be done. The observation                                       will be deciding upon chemicals
            of plastic particles in our food                                     found in fire extinguishers, non-
            should not be taken lightly.                                         stick cookware, and other items
                                                                                 we use at home – for example
            MF: Can you say more?                                                in stain-resistant textiles such as
            RP:  Of  course.  For  example,                                      carpets - and which have been
            Norway, a country you feature                                        found to be linked to major health
            elsewhere  in  this  magazine,                                       issues such as kidney cancer,
            has been quite instrumental in                                       testicular cancer, thyroid disease,
            providinginternationalleadership,                                    pregnancy-inducedhypertension,
            and  also  financial  resources,                                     and high cholesterol.
            to help engage governments
            and stimulate UN efforts to pull together state-of-the-art   MF: Non-stick pans? What can people do then, at the
            information, analysis of policy gaps, and the discussion of   individual level, to protect themselves and their families
            potential governance options, for tackling marine plastic   from these “invisible hazards”?
            pollution, including through the Basel Convention. In fact,   RP: Well, once aware, people can do a host of things which
            a growing group of countries, both in the developed and   will lower their own exposure, and at the same time benefit
            developing world, are calling for clear and tangible action on   the environment. Some of these actions might even save them
            the issue of plastics. It is one area, they declare, that we have   money! Changing habits is the first step. Choose cooking
            had enough talk – we now need impactful action – and I agree   pans with safer coatings, for example. Cutting down on waste
            with them. For this reason, I am very excited that the meeting   is a no brainer!
            of the Conference of the Parties to the Basel Convention will   Especially avoiding single-use plastics and by reusing or
            be considering a range of concrete actions to address this   recycling as much as one can. In some circles some consumers
            issue, including a proposal for more comprehensive coverage   have adopted the slogan - If it can’t be reused or recycled,
            of the plastic wastes moved across borders.      refuse it!
            MF: What meeting is that??                       At our COPs we will also be encouraging all delegates to
            RP: Every two years the parties (governments) come together   walk the walk. For many years now, our meetings have been
            to take decisions on the sound management of chemicals and   paperless, we have also made them carbon-neutral, and since
            waste, within the legal framework of the three international   last year we have increased our efforts in reducing wastes and
            conventions  –  the  Basel,  Rotterdam  and  Stockholm   eliminating the use of single-use plastic materials. This year,
            conventions. Those decisions should then be given effect in   we will be asking the delegates to BYOBottle: Bring Your
            those countries that are parties to those conventions. This   Own Bottle – as there will indeed be no plastic water bottles
            year, our Triple Conference of the Parties (or COPs) will   available or sold.
            run from 29 April to 10 May under the banner of “Clean                                                                    Interview with
            Planet Healthy People” and we hope that it will send a strong   MF: Wonderful! Dr Payet, thank you for explaining all
            message that we indeed need to clean up our planet for the   about chemicals and waste, good luck with those important
            sake of the health of all.                       decisions at the COPs, and we look forward to hearing                    Mr Hans
                                                             positive outcomes for human health and environment very
            Our message is that even if wastes are being dumped far   soon.
            away from where we got rid of them, in remote locations,   RP:  Thank  you  Marit,  it  has  been  a  pleasure.  I  urge
            there is clear scientific evidence that their hazards come   anyone interested in finding out more, including our
            back through our air, food and water. If there is one thing   colleagues from the media, to consult our websites at www.   Brattskar
            on our planet that we cannot hide – it is our waste. Sooner or to follow us on Twitter @brsmeas   •
            or later it will be washed up on our coasts, turn up in our
            food, in the air we breathe. I challenge anyone to bring me a                                                             Ambassador of Norway to the United Nations Office
            glass of naturally collected water which does not contain any
            manmade chemical or microplastic!                                                                                         and other international organizations in  Geneva

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