Page 3 - DIVA_1_2011
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          Diva   International

             3   International    Day   against    Nuclear    Tests   and   19th
                 anniversaiy    of   the   closing    of   the   Semipalatinsk    test   site
             7   Interview    with   Vladimir    Gratchev,    Director,    Division    of
                 Conference    Management,    United   Nations,    Geneva
             12    At   the   service    for   sma//   and   medium    busjnesses
                 Inteiview    with   Aicha   A.  Pouye,   Director,    Division    of
                 Business    and   Institutional    Support    International    Trade
                 Interview    with   Fiorina    Mugione,    Chief,   Entrepreneurship
                 Section,    Enterprise    Development    Branch,    Division    on
                 Investment    and   Enterprise    United   Nations    Conference    on
                 Trade   and   Development,    (UNCTAD)
             19    Rencontre    avec   un  batisseur    de  la  paix,   le  fondateur    de
                 Fair   Events    Olivier    Michel
             20    Interview    with   His   Excellency    Mr  Mohamed    Siad   Doualeh,
                 Ambassador    of   Djibouti
             22    Interview    with   Her   Excellency    Mrs   Bente   Angell-Hansen
                 Ambassador    of   Norway

             24    Interview    with   His   Excellency    Mr   Nasser    Judeh,
                 Minister    of   Foreign    Affairs,    the   Hashemite    Kingdom    of
             26    ECO-TOURISM   IN JORDAN

             27    Interview    with   Mais   Sukkar,    Founder    &  Managing    Director
                 of   RxSolutions,    Jordan
             29    "THE   DREAM    OF   A  CHILD"    Interview    with   Abd   A.
                 Masoud,    Artist
             31   Bagdad    Caf6   in  Amman
             32    10M   IRAQ   MISSION

             34    RUSSIA-UNECE:    PARTNERS    IN  DEVELOPMENT    by   Marat
             36    Azerbaijan    State   Economic    University:    a  new   member    of
                 the   UNCTAD    Virtual    Institute
             37    International    University    in  Geneva

             40  des Arts   et  des hoiiunes    Le  double  iniroir   de Mahfour,

             41  GENDER    AND   MEDIA    Interview    with   Geena   Davis,
                 actress    and   founder    of   the   Geena   Davis   Institute    on
                 Gender    in  Media
                 Ita's   world
                 Le  coin   de  l'6ducation
                 HUMANITARIANSS:    Ghandi
                 Life   in  the   'Harem':     A  forbidden    place
                 AMBASSADRESS:    NOT   AT  MYTABLE

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